Bishop’s schedule
[Events indicated will be attended by Bishop’s delegate.]
- December 24, 5:00 am, Misa de Gallo, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Pearl City.
- December 25, 12:00 am, Christmas Midnight Mass, Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, downtown Honolulu; 10:30 am, Christmas Day Mass, Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa, Honolulu.
- December 26, 8:30 am, Mass at Holy Family Parish, Honolulu; 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Open House to view Bishop’s 170+ Nativity Sets, at Library of St. Stephen Diocesan Center, 6301 Pali Highway, Kaneohe.
- December 27, 6:00 pm, Mass for 10th Year Priestly Ordination Anniversary of Reverend Anthony Rapozo and Feast Day of St. John Apostle & Evangelist Parish, Mililani.
- December 28, 10:00 a.m., Funeral Mass of John Farias, Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, downtown Honolulu.
- January 1, 5:00 pm, Mass and Installation of Reverend Vincent Vu as Pastor of St. John Vianney Parish, Kailua.
- January 4, 9:30 am, Bishop’s Administrative Advisory Council (video conference).
- January 5, 6:15 pm, Holy Hour for Vocations, Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa, Honolulu.
- Bishop Silva has appointed Reverend Boniface Sakala as Parochial Vicar of St. Jude Parish, Kapolei, effective January 1, 2022.
- Bishop Silva announces that Deacon Ernesto Fernandez, who has been assigned at the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, will be returning to his home Diocese of Tulsa as of December 11, 2021.
- The diocesan offices will be closed December 23 and 24, 2021, in observance of Christmas Day.
- The diocesan offices will be closed December 30 and 31, 2021, in observance of the New Year.