The Advent season begins with the lighting of the Advent wreath as the central symbolic rite of spiritual preparation for Christmas. Purple is the color of penitence and humility. The rose colored candle, lit the Third Week of Advent, represents a hopeful look toward Christ’s coming. (CNS photo by Jon L. Hendricks)
Zephaniah 3:14-18a; Philippians 4:4-7; Luke 3:10-18
For centuries this Sunday was called “Gaudete” Sunday, the name coming from the first word of the Entrance Antiphon, “Rejoice,” or in Latin, “Gaudete.”
Rejoice because the Lord’s arrival into human experience will be soon!
While violet is the color prescribed for liturgical vestments in Advent, on this weekend, priests may choose to wear rose vestments. Rose represents the darkness of night broken by the mellow rays of the impending dawn of Christ’s birth.
The first reading is from the Book of Zephaniah. This book traces from the seventh century before Christ. It is a rather short work, just three chapters in length, but its language and message are powerful.
Its theme is similar to that of the other prophets. Human sin has brought great hardship and heartbreak into the world. Sin is the worst calamity, and people have no one to blame but themselves for their sins. God is always faithful, forgiving and good. He rescues people by showing them the way out of their sin and by renewing the call to righteousness. Thus, this reading exclaims in anticipation and joy. All is forgiven! A savior is on the way! All will be right!
Even so, God imposes nothing on people. He does not coerce them into reluctant obedience. He overwhelms no one as a conqueror overwhelms.
Rather, the people turn to God and reform their lives, although certainly impelled and strengthened by God.
For its second reading, the church presents a reading from the Epistle to the Philippians. As in the first reading, the theme is joy. Christ is the long-awaited Redeemer. He reunites humankind with God. In Jesus is life and hope.
St. Luke’s Gospel is the source of the Gospel reading. The principal figure is John the Baptist, one of the more striking figures of the early church. A cousin of Jesus, he was a widely known prophet who called people to God. Quite realistic in his understanding of Jesus, John knew that he himself was only the precursor of the promised Savior. Indeed, John said that he was not even worthy to untie the Savior’s sandal strap.
It was a testimony to John — but also to the Redeemer. John was regarded as a holy man. If John could not even perform such a menial task in behalf of the Savior as to untie a sandal strap, then the Savior most certainly was of God.
This reading would have been especially meaningful in the first century to anyone familiar with Jewish tradition and with the environment surrounding Jesus. All the Gospels appeared against the backdrop of God’s relationship with the Jews. Supreme in this relationship was God’s constant mercy, a mercy perfected when a Savior would appear.
No New Testament writing more splendidly presents the great majesty of Jesus, the Christ, the Savior, the Son of God, and true Christian faith, than does the Epistle to the Philippians. This weekend’s second reading so well captures this quality of Philippians.
The message is majestically proclaimed. Jesus is Lord! He is everything.
Opposite this wondrous figure of perfect love and resurrected life, Jesus the Lord, is human sin and the destruction sin creates. Zephaniah alludes to this sin and its consequences, as does John the Baptist in the Gospel.
Christians can rejoice, however, because they are not doomed to the eternal consequences of their sin. They are redeemed! God, through, and in, Jesus, will forgive their sins, if they renounce their sin and ask for forgiveness. Then, assured of forgiveness, they can live forever in Christ.
Christmas is near. Jesus is near. Reject sin. Be forgiven. Then, the Lord soon will be with us personally and forever. Security will be found. Life is fulfilled! Thus, the church calls us to rejoice, “gaudete”!