Pictured, from left, are Judy Rubano, lodge director; Gloria Yau, director; Bud Lush, board of directors chairman; Father Lane Akiona; Russell Motter, Exalted Ruler; and George West, secretary. (Photo courtesy of Honolulu Elks Lodge)
Honolulu Elks Lodge 616 gave Sacred Hearts Father Lane Akiona, pastor of St. Augustine Church in Waikiki, a few blocks from the Lodge, on Sept. 27 a $10,000 check for Aunty Carmen’s Kitchen, an outreach program of the parish that provides meals for the homeless and the hungry.
The lodge applied for an Elks National Foundation Grant for $7,500, and $2,500 came from lodge funds.
According to Father Akiona, Aunty Carmen’s Kitchen serves lunch to more than 1,800 people monthly, a number that has been growing. Meanwhile, the coronavirus pandemic has caused the church’s income to decrease by 85% because of the drastic drop in tourism.
The pastor, who is also a member of Honolulu Lodge 616, expressed a heartfelt thank you to the Elks for their community support and generous donation.