Serenity Lau, right, altar serves at her parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Waikane. (Courtesy photo)
By Anna Weaver
Hawaii Catholic Herald
Castle High Schooler Serenity Lau has always been active at her small parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Waikane on Oahu’s eastern shore.
The 16-year-old started altar serving at age 7, sang in the youth choir including as a cantor, and helps her grandparents, Diane and Colin Lau, with yard work around the church grounds. Plus Serenity is a faithful member of the parish’s youth ministry program.
But since COVID-19’s impact, Cathy Williams, the director of Our Lady of Mount Carmel’s youth and young adult ministry, says that Serenity has done even more to help Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
The teen recently acted as a confirmation sponsor for a woman receiving all three Rites of Initiation into the church and helped with the larger RCIA team. She’s also stepped up to be a lector and help sanitize the church since in-person church services were allowed again after their temporary suspension due to the coronavirus.
And Serenity has been co-leading online youth ministry sessions, like praying the rosary via Zoom.
“She contributes to our ministry sessions, making our youth ministry discussions productive and spiritually meaningful,” Williams said.
As to why she’s so active, beyond her grandparents being involved in the parish, Serenity said, “I wanted to make that commitment.”
“There’s going to meetings and offering my moral support.”
“And I want to learn about my faith and tell people about my faith,” Serenity added.
Williams said that it’s been a pleasure to see Serenity’s spiritual growth.
“She always remains cognizant of her Christian values, while addressing the needs of others.”
This is part of a series on how Hawaii youth and young adults are helping their parishes during the COVID-19 pandemic.