50 years ago — Sept. 4, 1970
SCHOOL BEGAN WEDNESDAY – For these youngsters beginning school, it will be both trepidation and excitement. Catholic schools throughout Hawaii again will be teaching approximately 14,000 students and thus save the State of Hawaii some $12 million for the current school year of 1970-71. The schools have the obligation of giving to these youngsters the very best in educational preparedness for their future as Catholics and as citizens.
25 years ago — Sept. 8, 1995
Breaking barriers
This past weekend, Bishop DiLorenzo greeted his advisors plus 75 others at the beginning of a two-day training program on ministry for persons with disabilities. Representing 41 parishes, they included blind persons, the hearing impaired, the wheelchair bound, and those with developmental disabilities.
The bishop told the participants that “through your advocacy, we will let people know what the church stands for” with regards to ministry to the disabled.
The church’s stand is “not of charity, but justice,” said Carol Ignacio, the primary organizer of the event.
10 years ago —Sept. 3, 2010
New Catholic Worker community seeks help getting started on Oahu
We all share a concern for the impoverished population in Hawaii, a desire to confront our sins and those of society, and a dream of doing so by living out Christ’s words and following his example and that of the saints. So, together, we have been working toward starting a Catholic Worker in Honolulu, meeting weekly for prayers and discussion at the Newman Center at the University of Hawaii-Manoa.
One of our first acts was to choose as our patron St. Damien…Now we are starting a Catholic Worker newspaper for the island of Oahu. We hope in the near future to be able to establish a house of hospitality for the homeless as well.