Quedin Bumatay, left, and Angelica Watanabe volunteered to be youth ambassadors at the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis. (Photo courtesy of the Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry)
Thirty-five youth, chaperones and one priest from Hawaii attended the biannual National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis from Nov. 21-23. This year’s theme was “Blessed, Broken, Given.”
Quedin Bumatay of St. Damien of Molokai Parish and Angelica Watanabe of Our Lady Queen of Angels Parish on Maui volunteered to be youth ambassadors this year, introducing three workshop speakers.
“I believe in my faith very much, but I was doubting it for a while there,” Watanabe said later in an emailed reflection. “NCYC helped me realize that you really don’t need to see to believe. Knowing that Jesus died for us on the cross to save us, that’s really powerful.”
“Listening to our young people share about the workshops they participated in, seeing them excited about celebrating the sacraments, and hearing the many ways they will bring this experience back to their home parishes gives me hope and should be a constant reminder to all of us that the church is truly alive because our young people are the church of now!” wrote Lisa Gomes, the diocesan director of the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, in an email.
More comments from attendees at the 2019 National Catholic Youth Conference
“My memorable experience is meeting 20,000 plus youth. Also, singing together with them at the adoration. During the adoration I believe that the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and Mother Mary is telling me that they will be always going to watch over me because I was getting some chills.”
– Karl Matillano, Christ the King Parish, Maui
“I was doubting my faith and questioning if God was really going to be there for me when times got hard. Seeing 20,000 Catholic youth that shared the same faith in God as me made me realize that I am not alone. This experience taught me when I think life is hard other people have gotten through it because of their belief in God. Even though in times it may seem that God is not there, he is, 24/7, leading us onto our destined path.
– Trinity Martin, St. Theresa Parish, Kihei
“NCYC was an amazing experience because I really got to connect with my faith. It made me realize just how lucky I am. Also meeting all the other youth that have something in common with me made me feel this bond with complete strangers. Oh yeah, I can’t wait until the next NCYC event!”
– Leila Andrews, Holy Ghost Mission, Maui
“Overall, I had a good NCYC experience. I will cherish the different memories made at this conference – meeting other Catholic youth from other parts of the U.S gave me peace of mind, knowing that there are others that share the same faith. Also, I learned quite a bit at the different sessions throughout the conference. I realize that being an introvert has its benefits and learned different tips when it comes to dating. I would go again if I had a chance!”
-Estin Tantisira, Holy Ghost Mission, Maui
“NCYC was the best experience that I ever had! Meeting new friends, seeing old ones, also getting to be with 22,000 people singing to the Lord was something special. If I have the chance to participate again, you can count me in!”
– Dominic Bumatay, St. Damien of Molokai Parish, Molokai
“All young people should experience NCYC. I also wish it was longer.”
– Ethan Lasua, St. Damien of Molokai Parish, Molokai
“NCYC was an amazing experience! One of my favorite parts was meeting new people and having fun while learning about God! My only con is that I wish NCYC were longer!
– Akone Manaba, St. Damien of Molokai Parish, Molokai
“NCYC is a wonderful place! It’s not only to get to know other teens like us that have the same beliefs but a place where we learn and get to know God and Jesus with other youths like us.”
– Quedin Bumatay, St. Damien of Molokai Parish, Molokai
Read more teen reflections from NCYC 2019 on OYYAM’s social media accounts.