Bishop Larry Silva poses with the award for “outstanding promotion and participation in the Global Rosary Relay for Priests” after the noon Mass Sept. 21 in Honolulu’s Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace. On June 23, the cathedral joined more than 120 churches in 50 countries in a continuous, around-the-world, 24-hour recitation of the rosary for the sanctification of priests. Honolulu participated with a “living rosary,” in which 66 people took turns leading one of the rosary’s prayers. At left is vicar general, Msgr. Gary Secor. At right are Easter Almuena, administrative assistant for the diocesan Office of Worship and Hawaii’s Worldpriest representative, who presented the award, and Deacon Modesto Cordero, director of the Office of Worship. (HCH photo | Darlene Dela Cruz)