The Diocese of Honolulu is upgrading to a new program for its adult safe environment training, the instruction on the recognition and prevention of sexual abuse of minors required of every church employee or volunteers who works with children and youth.
Starting Jan. 1, the diocese will use VIRTUS, an on-line and in-person training program offered by the National Catholic Risk Retention Group, Inc. The diocese now uses the program “Shield the Vulnerable,” which will end on Oct. 31.
The diocese will not have a safe environment screening or training program for November and December as it prepares to move to VIRTUS. Parishes, departments and schools are asked to “plan accordingly.” During this “blackout” period, if there is an urgent need for clergy, employees or volunteers to complete the safe environment requirements, contact the diocesan Safe Environment director Kristin Leandro at or 203-6719.
According to the diocesan office of Safe Environment, VIRTUS’s general registration and training process will be similar to the old program. The requirement that training take place every five years stands; the status of those already trained will not be affected.