By Charlotte White Special to the Herald
In May, Holy Trinity Parish in Kuliouou launched and has been enjoying the benefits of myParish app, a new Catholic parish-based application for smart phones and other digital devices that helps improve parish communication and outreach. It was introduced at the Diocesan Stewardship Conference in January.
One of the incentives to sign up for myParish app is that it costs a parish nothing for the first year. After hearing about all the possibilities, Holy Trinity quickly signed up. Parishioner Rich Meiers volunteered to be the app administrator, maintaining and keeping it up to date.
MyParish App allows parishioners to use their smart phones to connect to many features including daily readings, Catholic news from around the US. as well as the Vatican, parish information, the on-line parish bulletin and daily messages from the pastor, Capuchin Franciscan Father Mike Dalton.
Since Holy Trinity initiated the app, 485 parishioners have logged in and more than 200 use it daily. Last month, users spent more than 24 hours reading daily Scripture as well as Father Dalton’s messages focusing on keeping “The Word” alive and meaningful.
The myParish app has been an exciting, viable way to communicate and bring parishioners closer to Jesus. At Holy Trinity, you will not hear our lector announce, “Please turn off your phones.” Rather you are invited to stay connected to our parish through appropriate social media. Holy Trinity is a connected parish in more ways than one.