The Serra Club of Honolulu hosted the diocesan seminarians on Oahu at a luncheon at the New Empress Restaurant in Chinatown before they headed back to school. Pictured standing are William “Pila” Tulua and Kevin Clark. Seated is Clifford “Chance” Billmeyer, Serra chaplain Msgr. Gary Secor and diocesan vocations director Father Rheo Ofalsa. Also at the luncheon but unavailable for the picture was seminarian Romple Emwalu. Founded in 1970, the Serra Club of Honolulu is part of a worldwide Catholic organization of lay men and women dedicated to promoting vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and vowed religious life. For information about Serra, contact Jack Kampfer at 621-0852. (Photo courtesy of the Serra Club of Honolulu)