The married life
Recently I went to visit my daughter’s family in Seattle.
One windy, overcast day, my daughter, granddaughter and I took a walk along the shore of the Puget Sound in Olympic Park.
Suddenly my 5-year-old granddaughter exclaimed, “There’s a seal!”
Sure enough, there was a large, black seal shaking his head vigorously in the water. He had a large fish in his mouth. The fish wanted to escape the seal’s grip, but the seal held on tight.
Hovering above them were several seagulls, who were hoping to snatch the fish if the seal dropped his prey. He didn’t.
Soon enough, the seal ate his catch and swam along calmly, while the gulls flew elsewhere.
I would like my granddaughter to know that we are like that seal. The fish is the gift of faith that we are granted, and we should never let go of it.
My mother used to say that faith is our most precious gift. Like the seal, sometimes we need to fight to hold onto it. Don’t let anyone steal it away from us.
“And as he sowed, some seed fell on the path, and the birds came and ate it up.” (Mk 4:4)
While preaching in Jerusalem Jesus said, “I will give them eternal life and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand.” (Jn 10:28-29)
As we go through life we all face many obstacles which threaten our faith, but God’s love is stronger than them all.
To my granddaughter and all little ones I say:
Remember that God loves you so much.
You can count on him and his gentle touch.
When clouds are grey and the day seems long,
Listen to the sound of a shama’s song.
Look at the brightness of the day’s dawn.
Play with your friends in the lawn.
Look out your window at the sun’s set —
The pretty colors never forget.
Even in darkness the shepherd is here,
Guiding all your steps, banishing all fear.
Rainbows bring us hope and make us smile.
Always persevere. It takes a while.
Be like the seal who didn’t let the fish go,
While he tossed his head to and fro.
Pretty soon the birds will fly away
And you can enjoy a happy day.