Pope Francis prayed during Mass on the feast of the Epiphany Jan. 6 in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican. (Lola Gomez / CNS)
Office for Social Ministry
“Let us pause to reflect on this image as we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord during this Jubilee of hope. … It is bright, it is visible to all and it points the way.” (Pope Francis’ Epiphany homily 2025)
The feast of the Epiphany provides an opportunity to celebrate the beginning of this Jubilee Year in the hopeful light of the guiding star that led the magi to present their precious gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the vulnerable Christ-child Messiah-King and Holy Family gathered in a stable.
Pope Francis invites us to reflect on ways we can also be a light to others that shines so bright, the spirit of Christmas can be manifested throughout the year.
Our Holy Father reminds us that the Epiphany (which means to “manifest or reveal”) is an action. At the beginning of this Jubilee Year, we are called to be living signs of hope, sharing the guiding light of Christ in our local communities here and around the world.
Pope Francis reminds us that God’s light is “a different kind of light — the love of God, who became man.” He calls us to recognize that this light invites us to give of ourselves for one another, becoming signs of hope even in life’s darkest moments.
The Holy Father asks: “Are we radiant with hope? Are we able to give hope to others with the light of our faith?” He challenges us to live as beacons of hope, reflecting God’s love.
Pope Francis urges us to help people see “in the son of God made man the beauty of the Father’s face and his way of loving, which is through closeness, compassion and tenderness.” We are called to be bright lights, signs of hope, that can lead one another to experience God’s close, compassionate, tender love.
The pope also emphasizes that this light is visible for all people: “God does not reveal himself to exclusive groups or a privileged few.”
The Nativity scene, with the magi representing different ages and races, reflects the diversity of the earth’s peoples. The star shines universally, overcoming barriers and bringing hope to all, even and especially to the most remote corners and marginalized people in the world.
Pope Francis says the star is a symbol pointing the way to God and the hope of unity, where humanity’s rich diversity forms one harmonious family. This Jubilee starlight calls us on an interior journey which can guide us to live our faith through actions of hope and love in our families, community and the world.
As we follow this light, we are invited to give of ourselves, walking humbly together, recognizing Emmanuel — “God with us” — in every moment caring for our common home and building a kingdom of justice, peace and hope for all.
In the spirit of this Jubilee Year, the diocesan Office for Social Ministry recently shared a story of hope in Hawaii through its latest “Star Light, Star Bright” video. This Jubilee Year message highlights a Christmas reunion of women in prison with their children and caregivers — a celebration of love and light.
In the video, Bishop Larry Silva describes the experience as a gift for all involved: “It’s a gift for them, but it’s a gift for us, too, to serve them and bring them joy. When Jesus was born, there was a lot of starlight, and we celebrate His presence among us by caring for those most in need.”
We invite you to view this inspiring message on the Office for Social Ministry’s website, www.officeforsocialministry.org, and reflect on how we can all live as pilgrims of hope.
In the coming months, more Jubilee Year stories from social ministries in Hawaii and beyond will be shared, offering glimpses of how we can bring the light of Christ’s love into the world — how we too, like the magi, can share our precious gifts, maybe not gold, frankincense and myrrh, but our time, talent and treasure in many forms shared with others in need and transforming our shared vulnerability into the light of hope and peace as one human family.
Let us live this Epiphany prayer at the beginning of this Jubilee Year: “May we all shine brightly, reflecting the love and hopeful light of God in this world, and manifest year round Emmanuel — ‘God with us.’”
Your friends at the Office for Social Ministry