Viriditas2: Soul Greening
Interviewed by Sister Malia Dominica Wong, OP
Hawaii Catholic Herald
Between my parents, the late Robert and Agnes Leopoldino, it was my father who really got the seven of us children started in the faith. I was baptized, received my first holy Communion and confirmation, and was married at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Hilo.
It was my brother Robert and I who continued the gift of faith.
My late brother and his wife Katharine were very devout parishioners at St. Michael the Archangel Church in Kailua-Kona. They had two sons, Keoni and Kaipo, who were involved in the Boy Scouts at the church. They later became Eagle Scouts and served at Mass.
As a member of the Knights of Columbus at St. Michael’s, Robert started a program called ASAP (Aid and Support After Pregnancy). ASAP addressed the needs of pregnant women, many of whom were homeless and who did not have a place to go, or clothes after they had given birth. The Knights were proud to support women to be able to care for their children.
My brother passed away earlier this year. His younger son Kaipo, who had moved to Oahu and is a world languages teacher at Saint Louis School, wrote the chant for his funeral. When one thinks of respecting the Hawaiian culture as well as the Catholic faith, Kaipo did a beautiful job in delivering the chant at the church. It was a most moving and meaningful tribute to his father.
Kaipo had the chant approved by Father Konelio “Lio” Faletoi, pastor of St. Michael’s, as well as by the kupunas (Hawaiian elders) to make sure everything was proper. He is a very talented young man.
Four years ago, I lost my husband George. When he was diagnosed with cancer, I needed to make a choice — whether to keep working or to quit my job. As I did not want anyone else taking care of my husband, I made the choice (to stay with him).
George and I prayed all the time — every morning and every night, along with the rosary. Although he lost his battle to the awful cancer, it was our faith in God that kept us strong. God always answers our prayers, even in difficult times.
I owe it to my cousin’s love of listening to religious music that I am now able to listen to Christian songs on my phone. Facebook Reels have a little bit of this and a little bit of that — old-time songs and funny things animals do. But every day there is something religious offered, e.g. Psalm 124, or Psalm 91 in song.
I also have an app called Hallow on my phone and am always asking my sister, “How do you do this?” “Where did you get that?” “How do you paste and scroll?”
Although I had stopped going to church for a couple of years, something kept drawing me to return.
I love the church. I love going to Mass. I love our pastor Father Apolinario “Poli” Ty at St. Joseph’s. Although my boys were baptized and received first holy Communion and confirmation at St. Joseph, they did not marry in the church. However, it doesn’t matter in our global society as when we come together for dinner, all of us do say grace before meals together — just like how my father taught me and my siblings.
Susan Calicdan is a parishioner at St. Joseph Church, Hilo.