Courtesy Sister Malia Dominica Wong, OP
Viriditas 2: Soul Greening
Interviewed by Sister Malia Dominica Wong, OP
Hawaii Catholic Herald
Music has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. My grandmother was my first piano teacher, and I began playing the piano at the age of 3 or 3-1/2. I grew up watching my family members play, and soon found myself at the piano, trying to replicate what I had heard — without any music in front of me.
For me, playing the piano is not just a skill or hobby; it is a prayer. It is the way I pour out my soul and spirit, whether in joy or sorrow. My music is an expression of my connection with God. Sometimes, as a composer myself, when I sit down to play I have a specific plan for how the music will go. But as I allow God’s spirit to flow through me, it often changes, evolving as I play.
When I taught piano at St. Anthony School in Kalihi, I encouraged my students to see their musical talents as gifts from God, not just for piano recitals or stage performances. I told them, “This is your talent for God. It’s a gift, and you need to develop it.” That’s what I’m doing as well. God gave me this gift. I want to develop it and encourage others.
Many of my students went on to serve in music ministry playing in church or directing choirs.
However, when St. Anthony School closed in 2018, I felt I was done with music ministry. After serving as a volunteer music director for 23 years, I told God, “I don’t want to do this anymore.” I was tired. I live in Hawaii Kai and used to drive to St. Anthony seven days a week.
But God had other plans. The first time I attended Mass at Mary, Star of the Sea Church was on the second Sunday of June 2018. As I was kneeling in prayer, a parishioner named Anne Hung approached me. She knew of my background as a music director and asked if I would lead the choir at the church. At first, I resisted, telling her I didn’t want to do it anymore. But eventually, I said yes — and the rest is history.
The 8:15 a.m. Mass choir at Mary, Star of the Sea is a lively group, and I don’t just consider it a singing group — it’s a prayer group. Before we sing, we pray, lifting everything up to God, giving thanks and praying for each other.
I also teach middle school religion and direct the choir at Mary, Star of the Sea School. The other Sunday, we had a special moment where the middle school student choir joined with the adult choir for Mass. The age range spanned from 11 to 91. It was a beautiful reminder of how music, faith and service to God can unite people of all generations.
In music and in life, we all face struggles, but with God’s blessings, we also experience victories. And through it all, music remains my prayer, my gift and my calling.