Bishop Larry Silva presided at the April 28 sacrament Mass. Back row: Deacon John Tolentino, Jonah Wells, Isabella Gallardo-Teixeira and Maesen Freitas. Front row: Father Raymund Ellorin, Kaeo Fernandez, Rosalynn Gallardo-Teixeira, Robert Neumann III, Malala McMoore and Bishop Silva. (Courtesy St. George Church)
Special to the Herald
Starting in January, St. George Church began marking the year with events and activities to celebrate its 70th year as a parish. The theme for this anniversary celebration is “We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe.”
In January, Bishop Larry Silva presided at the Mass that kicked off the yearlong anniversary celebration. At the reception that followed, the Respect Life Ministry held a baby shower as part of its mission to serve those in need.
Jan. 21 was the feast of Santo Nino and featured a concelebrated Mass as well as special events.
In February, a Sunday Mass honored married couples with a blessing; later they received heart-shaped cakes as talk-story time, food and a photo booth contributed to a fun-filled day.
Lent was the highlight of March, with Taize prayer and stations of the cross held each week. An Easter egg hunt featured prizes for each age group, and an Easter bonnet contest brought out creativity and competition.
April was the month of the church’s patron saint. The enthronement of his image was preceded by a relic talk by Peter Cruz. A 40-hour adoration was held to preface the Mass for the feast of St. George.
On April 28 Bishop Silva presided at the confirmation Mass for seven youth. An appreciation reception for Bishop Silva and the newly confirmed was held after Mass.
May began with a novena to celebrate the feast of St. Damien. Sacred Hearts Father Herman Gomes gave a talk on St. Damien and the journey to sainthood.
The month included a Mother’s Day event with food, games and fellowship, a memorial Mass honoring the parish’s deceased from the past year and the crowning of Mary with a Santacruzan commemoration.
June marked the time to celebrate fathers. An appreciation reception was held after Mass on Father’s Day, during which portraits of all the priests who served at St. George were presented to the parish. The portraits, painted by parishioner Joe Aragon, were included in a frame built by parishioner Malala McMoore.
A ministry fair was held July 21; at weekend Masses throughout the month before the fair, leaders gave short talks about their ministries.
In connection with National Eucharistic Revival activities, St. George presented its own events. On July 21, Peter Cruz gave a talk on relics of saints of the Eucharist. The talk was followed by a hip-hop concert presented by Joe Melendrez. Eucharistic adoration brought the events together and to a close on a sacred note.