Nichelle Soriano Torno and her cousin, Jordan Vicente Yango, reunited in Washington state after their book was completed. (Courtesy Nichelle Soriano Torno)
By Jennifer Rector
Hawaii Catholic Herald
Nichelle Soriano Torno says she has always dreamed of writing a book, but never imagined her work would be picked up by one of the largest Catholic publishers.
Ascension Press, known for the podcasts “The Bible in a Year” and “The Catechism in a Year” with Father Mike Schmitz, faith formation books and more, has published “A Place for Me in God’s Family Tree,” written by Torno and illustrated by her cousin, Jordan Vicente Yango of Washington state.
After much prayer and discernment, the two decided to write a book about Jesus’ genealogy for children.
“We would always hear that reading at Christmas or during Lent. Like, what’s the importance of it? We can’t even say all the names. But then we started to dive deeper into it,” Torno said.
The book starts off with a little boy asking his mother about family trees. She begins to guide him through God’s family tree and how everyone is invited to be a part of it.
“We further researched (the genealogy) and wanted to convey that everybody is invited to be a part of God’s family, no matter who you are or where your family comes from,” Torno said. “You know, we’re not all perfect, but you know how beautiful that we have a God that allows us that invitation to be a part of his family, no matter where we are on our journey.”
Because Jesus’ genealogy is not all age-appropriate, Torno and Yango took the time to be intentional with how the story would be portrayed for children.
“We were very careful about it. I remember the early illustrations and the wording of different characters like David and Bathsheba. I had to work it a little with Jordan as well. I think what we came up with in the end was what everyone felt was OK,” Torno said.
From there it took them about a year before they pitched it to Ascension Press. They worked with the publisher for another year and a half before it was complete.
Throughout the process, both Torno and Yango did not meet once in person, working virtually day in and day out.
The callback from Ascension Press was a complete surprise.
“I just remember that night we finally had the proposal together and we’re on Zoom praying together. And we’re like, ‘All right, it’s in God’s hands now,’” Torno said. “They got back to us soon after, I’d say not even two months later. We’ve been working with them ever since.”
It was then that Ascension Press recommended that the book line up with the time periods of “The Bible in a Year.”
“Ascension (Press) actually wanted to incorporate the Bible timeline system, which I’m so glad that they did because it helps teach more about the Bible time periods and help us understand the greater picture of salvation history,” Torno said. “But I would say the bulk of it, was really done prior to working with them.”
It wasn’t until recently that Torno was able to reunite with her cousin in Washington.
Torno grew up in Washington and moved to Oahu to attend the University of Hawaii at Manoa. While here she met her husband, and she’s been in Hawaii for about 11 years.
Going back to her home state, she visited the parish she grew up in and announced the new book to parishioners.
Torno said she was shocked to hear people’s reactions.
“It was nerve-wracking, because I haven’t been back in years, and it was so nice to hear different families come up to us afterwards expressing how excited they are to read this book and get their copy,” Torno said.
“I was so touched by one woman who came up to me and was just saying how this is so neat. She said something along the lines of, ‘This is so special, and everybody needs this especially our young children and their families.’ I could tell she was so passionate,” she said.
Back on Oahu, Torno also shared her book with her pastor at Mary, Star of the Sea in Kahala.
“(I am) so thankful for his continued support and prayers to help bring it (the book) to fruition,” she said.
Torno’s biggest support group has been her family.
Torno, a mother herself, thought of her 3-year-old son throughout the entire process.
She could not help but want to show her son the importance of using the gifts God gives people for his glory.
“I really wanted him to know that God has all these plans for him. But, you know, I just wanted to show him that we can do anything to help whatever the talents and gifts that God gave us. It’s important to give back to God and to also remember others, that they’re loved, and God loves them as well,” Torno said.
Torno hopes to visit multiple parishes throughout the Diocese of Honolulu to share her book with more families.
You can find “A Place for Me in God’s Family Tree” on the Ascension Press website at ascensionpress.com/familytree.
The Hawaii Catholic Highlights podcast interviewed Torno about her new book. For the full podcast visit hawaiicatholicherald.com.