Father Jaime Jose blessed Sacred Heart Church’s new technology lab, featuring donated and refurbished iMac computers, on May 5. (Courtesy Glenn Klinger / Sacred Heart Church)
Special to the Herald
Sacred Heart Church in Waianae celebrated the sacramental blessing of a small technology lab for its religious education and OCIA classes on May 5.
The iMac computers were donated by Iolani School in Honolulu to a local nonprofit that reconfigured their software for internet use and donated them to Sacred Heart.
For children and youth, digital lessons and videos on the iMacs will supplement their current Gospel Weeklies (a Pflaum Publishing faith formation program, approved by the Diocese of Honolulu).
In addition, catechumens and candidates will be able to access online videos and engage in resources that align with the church’s liturgical calendar of Mass readings and Gospel reflections during on-site classes.