The Sacred Hearts Congregation’s 2024 novitiate class, from left, Jeremiah Nestor (Nez) Marcelo from Texas, Talilotu Ulupano from Tonga, Kasimero Bule from Fiji, John Vitolio from Samoa, and Apisalome Setefano Veitoyaki from Fiji. (Photo courtesy of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts)
The U.S. Province of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts, of which Hawaii is a part, welcomed five men last month into its novitiate program in Hemet, California. Four are from the south Pacific.
Arriving at the novitiate last month were Jeremiah Nestor (Nez) Marcelo from Texas, Talilotu Ulupano from Tonga, Kasimero Bule from Fiji, John Vitolio from Samoa, and Apisalome Setefano Veitoyaki from Fiji.
Novitiate year is the first major step in religious life. According to Father Ed Popish, communications director of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts, “it is focused and privileged time for their initiation into a deep spiritual life, into religious life and into the charism of our congregation.”
“This is a time of grace for them to make a personal response to Christ,” he said.
The year will be “an opportunity for growth in their relationship with God, themselves and others,” Father Popish said. “They will continue to discern their vocation to and clarify their motives for entering the congregation and their readiness for formal commitment to religious life in the congregation.”
The men will be assisted by novice master Father Richard Danyluk, socius novice master Father Semisi Pulotu, both members of the Sacred Hearts Congregation, and the Sacred Hearts community in Hemet.