Baby snoozes as the adults prepare for a parish baby shower at St. Catherine Church in Kapaa, Kauai. (Courtesy of Val Streff)
By Val Streff
Special to the Herald
“Walking with Moms in Need” is a program initiated by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops on the 25th anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s encyclical, “The Gospel of Life,” to support pregnant women and new mothers.
It was introduced in Hawaii in the form of parish “baby showers” organized by the diocesan Respect Life Office on Sept. 8, 2022, the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Baby showers are now blossoming in parishes across the islands. Parishioners donate diapers, baby wipes, baby clothes and gift cards for expecting and new moms. What better way to celebrate the real presence of Christ among his people by having these parties at parishes, bringing mothers and fathers together to celebrate life.
St. Catherine Church in Kapaa on Kauai had its first baby shower Nov. 18. It was spearheaded by Respect Life coordinator, Kathleen Refamonte. Aunty Verlie Aiu opened with the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Parish administrator Father Nicholas Apetorgbor blessed the mothers, the babies and the gifts donated by parishioners. Parochial vicar Father Dario Renaldi joined in the festivities.
Maria Ballesteros, Susan Summers and Holly Walker made 28 diaper “cakes” as centerpieces and gifts to the mothers. Sister Wansuk Kyndait and Sister Rachel Marius, parish Sisters of Mary, Help of Christians, have been praying for the welfare of the mothers. From India, they were excited to attend their first American baby shower.
It was truly gratifying to see the smiles of mothers, fathers and supporters.
We look forward to other parishes joining this movement of bringing families together and honoring an awareness of the preciousness of life in a mother’s womb.
St. Catherine Parish joins St. Ann, Kaneohe; St. Elizabeth, Aiea; St. Anthony, Kalihi; Holy Trinity, Kuliouou; and St. Michael, Waialua, in celebrating babies in 2023. We look forward to more `in 2024.
Val Streff is the co-director, with her husband Deacon Gary Streff, of the diocesan Respect Life Office.