Cat palm trees are lined up at St. Elizabeth Church in Aiea on Nov. 3. Each tree will display a saint quote or a Bible verse chosen by the donor of the tree as part of the “Adopt a tree” program. (HCH photo by Jennifer Rector)
By Jennifer Rector
Hawaii Catholic Herald
Father Sebastian Soosai is planting roots he hopes will grow for generations to come. Literally. His “adopt a tree” program has kicked off at St. Elizabeth Church in Aiea where he is pastor.
This initiative asks parishioners to buy a cat palm tree that will be planted on church grounds. Each tree will display a poster with the donor’s family name on it along with their favorite saint quote or a Bible verse. The trees will be positioned leading up to the front of the church.
“I want to familiarize the parishioners with Bible quotations and the different saints and their images. That way they can learn as they walk inside the church,” said Father Soosai.
The idea of planting trees simply popped into Father Soosai’s head. Some may say it was inspired by the Holy Spirit. Regardless, he said, he has never done anything like this before.
“It came as an insight. It’s to make the people aware of the Bible quotations as they walk up to the church. It’s welcoming them to the spirit of the Bible and the spirit of the saints,” said Father Soosai.
As of early November, 25 families had purchased a tree and 15 more have been ordered.
Father Soosai is charging donors $50 per tree, but the actual price is a bit more than that. He said that there are extra costs in buying a tree that can add up to $100 each. But he’s not worried about the remaining expenses and has faith that everything will settle into place.
“The parish is paying the rest because I don’t want to burden them [the parishioners]. God will provide the way to cover the expenses,” said Father Soosai.
The palm trees were planted on Nov. 3, the feast day of St. Martin de Porres, a humble lay Dominican brother in Peru who tended the sick and served the poor in the late 1500s and early 1600s.
Father Soosai appeared to be imitating the saint’s example that day by his humble gardening work, wearing a straw hat to protect him from the sun. Even with that, he was drenched in sweat and covered in dirt as he organized and planted the trees.

Father Sebastian Soosai works to organize the trees and plants around the school and parish on Nov. 3. He planted all 25 trees that were bought by parishioners. (HCH photo by Jennifer Rector)
Among those helping him was Patrick Ambrose, a parishioner and staff member of the school and parish.
“I love it for the fact that it’s beautifying the church grounds, bringing in some greenery, making it seem more joyful. It just softens up the look of some of the cement,” said Ambrose. The parish and school campus is mostly paved over with asphalt and cement.
Parishioner Jared Zick was also helping Father Soosai with the trees.
“Any way that we can help in beautifying the grounds while pointing toward God I think is beneficial and necessary,” said Zick.
Zick, who is a part of the respect life ministry at St. Elizabeth, said that his ministry purchased a tree as a group. Other parish ministries also bought trees.
“It reminds people that there’s different ways of helping in the good work of the Lord,” said Zick.
Parishioners who bought trees are thrilled at having a part in this initiative, the pastor said, not to mention having their trees there for future generations to see.
“They are looking forward to this,” said Father Soosai. “More are asking to donate and I told them no problem. I will have to find the space to put them around the campus.”
Father Soosai was installed at St. Elizabeth Church in September. Before that he was pastor of St. Roch Church in Kahuku for three years.