Shelley Hee
Interviewed on Maui Aug. 23 by Sister Malia Dominica Wong, OP
Hawaii Catholic Herald
The church has been a primary focus, a driving force behind what keeps me going in the midst of the tragedy surrounding us. With the roads through Lahaina now opened, we have had a number of priests come to Kapalua to celebrate daily Mass for us. Listening to the readings and the homilies they have prepared, along with, of course, my faith, has helped me to keep on going.
I am glad our pastor Father Kuriakose Nadooparambil has Father Robert Ni Ni helping him. (Both are Missionaries of Faith.) To be able to share what’s happened with another in their native tongue is so important. They have been visiting the various sites in support of the people. The shelters really were good places for people to gather and talk about their stories. God is searching for us and telling us to be strong and keep our faith.
These two weeks I have been focusing on the parish. Sacred Hearts Mission Church is located north of Lahaina. As a lot of people have lost their jobs, the questions continue to be asked: “Where am I going? What am I going to do?” We need to help the families. Everyone is still in shock. I am grateful for the angel who took me in and provided me with a roof over my head, a bed and shower, and even makes sure that I am fed.
We have been trying really hard to help get Sacred Hearts School started again. Many families that evacuated have decided to stay on the other side of the island and have enrolled their children in schools there. This whole week we were looking for land. Approvals were granted. It is going to be a tough road ahead, but the Diocese of Honolulu shared what they can do to support us. We have around 210 children that we can enroll. It is so important that our children have access to a Catholic education as they may be the ones to help their parents stay strong in their faith and the knowing of a loving God.
Last week I celebrated my birthday. That day I had numerous text messages from nieces, nephews, family and friends. So much love was received after the Lahaina fires, that it finally hit me. I wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and thoughts. But, I just sobbed all day as I kept reading and tried to text people. Life does get harder as I see more names show up every day. I don’t really read the news, but once you see it, it really affects your heart.
There are some people yet very angry, feeling disdained, secluded. A lot of people know that their loved ones might not ever be found. Closure is needed. The message meanwhile is to get them out. To come out, come help us, and be with friends. They are slowly getting it. And, they want to help out others. The bottom line is that we are still alive and God wants us to help and love others. That is what God is driving me to do.
Shelley Hee serves on the parish finance committee of Maria Lanakila Church, Lahaina, and Sacred Hearts Mission Church, Kapalua.