A bishop, priests, deacons and a city councilman were special guests at the 85th anniversary of Blessed Sacrament. (Courtesy of Blessed Sacrament Parish)
Special to the Herald
On Aug. 12 Blessed Sacrament Parish celebrated its 85th anniversary with many nostalgic memories. In the hall, the walls and tables were filled with treasured stories, pictures and memorabilia of people and events hurling back to 1938, the year the parish was established. Among the treasures was an eye-catching wall banner that read “HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BACK TO 1938.”
The banner listed historical events that took you back to that period of time. Next to the banner were memorials of the pioneer priests of the Sacred Hearts who built and served the Pauoa Valley church on Oahu with much dedication.
Pictures and stories of deceased parishioners were mounted on other walls, in inspiring displays of their ministries and all they contributed to the church.
Other framed photos served as table centerpieces. The pictures sparked lots of smiles, memories and conversation.
Master of ceremonies Paul Pancho led the program welcoming everyone and acknowledging special guests. Among these guests were Bishop Larry Silva, Msgr. Gary Secor, Father Mario Raquepo, Father Francisco Sanchez, Father Edgar Brillantes, Father Paul Li, Deacon Ronald Choo and Councilman Tyler Dos Santos-Tam.
After some warm congratulatory words, Bishop Silva offered a heartfelt prayer, which included words for the people of Maui and for those whose lives were lost.
The program also included proclamations by Gov. Josh Green and the Hawaii State Legislature read by parishioner Paula Yamashiro and Deacon Joseph Soon who then presented the certificates to the pastor Father Steve Nguyen. Councilman Dos Santos-Tam read his own proclamation.
Island Catering Services’ full-on lunch was enhanced by donated food and yummy desserts from parishioners. The neighboring St. Stephen Parish contributed a delicious pot of stew.
Everyone ate to their hearts’ content. The ono food, laughter and conversation added to a wonderful celebration.
After the feast, a lively panel interview conducted by Pancho, featured Mario Orbito, Evelyn Starkey, Stella Aiu, Chance Nishimura, Roxy Viloria, Neal Gaspar, Gerry Arens, and entertainer-comedian and former parishioner, Frank de Lima.
The panel’s questions addressed years of dedication and fond memories. Each person had interesting and impressive responses that demonstrated their faithfulness to years of dedication and service to Blessed Sacrament. They expressed an appreciation for the legacy and the future of this humble church that sits in the valley of Pauoa.
This session was the icing on the cake! It brought the spirit of ohana and the joy of laughter to such a momentous day.
Entertainment was provided by Mariah Carter who danced “Kuu Hoa” and “Kaimana Hila” and Leocritia Soon who sang “Manaia Le Lagi” and Babylyn Patu and Leocritia who sang “You Raise Me Up.”
Father Nguyen gave the final acknowledgments and Pancho closed the celebration with the song “Impossible Dream.”
We look forward to the 90th anniversary! We thank all who have been a part of Blessed Sacrament Church since 1938.
Kudos to parish secretary Tina Welch for her tireless coordination and creativity in creating the ambience of the hall with the help of Donna Flores and the planning committee, Evelyn Starkey, Elizabeth Lum, Mario Orbito, Kyle Toguchi, Neil Gaspar and Lei Kondo. Thanks also to Paul Pancho for his leadership and the unseen connections and organization of the program, and to Ono and Deacon Joe Soon for their hours of prepping the hall and helping with other details. We also appreciate all the extra hands that helped make this a successful event.