Lisa Gomes
By Patrick Downes
Hawaii Catholic Herald
How does a math major turn out to be the diocesan Director of Evangelization and Catechesis?
“That’s how God works,” laughed Lisa Ann Gomes, the new director of that newly named position. Mysteriously?
Bishop Larry Silva appointed Gomes, the present diocesan director of the Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry to the job formerly called the Director of Faith Formation on Sept. 1. She takes over from Jayne Ragasa-Mondoy who retired Aug. 31. Before that, the position was called the Director of Religious Education.
Gomes, who turned 50 in July, was born and raised in Wahiawa, the oldest of three kids. She is a graduate of Leilehua High school. She received her undergraduate degree in mathematics from Chaminade University of Honolulu. When asked about it, she said that math’s emphasis on “critical thinking” prepares one for life.
Her graduate degree in pastoral leadership from Chaminade University of Honolulu is more in line with her career trajectory.
According to the diocesan job description, the Director of Evangelization and Catechesis “Provides leadership in facilitating evangelization initiatives and efforts in the diocese for the active and inactive members of the body of Christ, and for unchurched people by collaborating with parishes, schools, and pastoral agencies, initiating diocesan outreach activities and communicating a call for people to conversion and renewal.”
Working with youth and young adult ministry for two decades has given her many years of teaching and ministry experience in Hawaii schools, parishes and in the Diocese of Honolulu at large.
Prior to her leadership position in youth and young adult ministry, Gomes was Associate Director, Office of Religious Education, diocesan Safe Environment Coordinator and Director of Religious Education and Faith Formation at St. Anthony Parish, Kailua.
She also taught for four years grades four through eight at Our Lady of Sorrows School, Wahiawa.
Gomes has also been a member of various local and national boards and committee in the field of youth ministry.
“I am excited to do this,” she told the Hawaii Catholic Herald by phone Aug. 24, admitting that the new job will be a “challenge” and “a lot of work.”
She likes the idea that her position will encompass catechesis and evangelization for all ages, from children to older adults.
One of her first duties will be to fill her old position, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, which falls under her office and whose name and focus may also change, she said.