By Patrick Downes
Hawaii Catholic Heald
Anna Weaver, associate editor of the Hawaii Catholic Herald, took six out of the eight Catholic media awards the diocesan newspaper received June 9 at the Catholic Media Association’s annual convention in Baltimore for work done in 2022.
Weaver received second place in the “Best Podcast – Expression of Faith” category. She single-handedly produces and conducts the podcast (the judges’ comments below notwithstanding), the Hawaii Catholic Herald’s newest foray into non-print journalism.
“The small staff of the Hawaii Catholic Herald has created a gem with their fairly new podcast series,” the judges wrote. “Even though the production team doesn’t have a sound studio and very few sources, the team does a commendable job at creating a strong series. The interviews are well done, and the conversations are energetic, entertaining and informative.”
Weaver also took three awards for writing and two for photography.
Two Herald freelance columnists also received recognition.
Weaver and contributing photographer Dann Ebina took first place in the category “Best Photo Story” for a page of photos illustrating Holy Week 2022.
“Excellent set of photos that tell a comprehensive story and draw in the viewer/reader,” the judges wrote.
The Herald took second place for “Best Coverage – Political Issues” for three submissions, two columns written by “View from the pew” columnist Mary Adamski, “No weapons allowed,” and “Season of elections,” and Weaver’s profile of Eva Andrade, director of the Hawaii Catholic Conference, “Advocating for Catholic values.”
The judges wrote, “There is the saying, ‘all politics is local’ and the entries of Hawaii Catholic Herald hold this to be true and shine the light on political writing on the home front. A profile on a person in the world of politics and a column bring this into focus. Quality writing on our world today.”
Mary Duddy received an honorable mention in the “Best Regular Column – General Commentary” category for her column “The Married Life.” “Exceptional,” commented the judges. “Succinct storytelling that provokes reflection on substantial, relevant topics, culminating with simple, eloquent summaries and thoughtful opinions.” Three columns were submitted for the award, “The gift of silence,” “Small things matter,” and the truly delightful “Family life and river rafting.”
Weaver’s story on Andrade “Advocating for Catholic values in isle politics,” won third place for “Best Personality Profile” in a non-weekly newspaper. “A very nice profile piece on someone who has committed her life to making a difference in the world, grounded in her faith,” the judges said. “Easy to read and complete information. It was interesting to read this story and about the subject’s great work. Nice job!
Weaver received an honorable mention in feature writing for “Easter welcomings,” her story on catechumens awaiting baptism, and one for reporting on vocations for the story “Together but apart,” on the two diocesan hermits living side-by-side on the Big Island. “An unusual view inside this vocation. This story was a good find.”
Weaver’s back-to-school 2022 front page photo won an honorable mention in the “Best Photograph – Catholic Education” category.
Herald editor one of three nominees for prestigious Franny award

Hawaii Catholic Herald editor Patrick Downes wears one of Wendy Wylder’s Sts. Damien and Marianne masks in 2020. (HCH Photo)
Anna Weaver
Hawaii Catholic Herald
Hawaii Catholic Herald editor Patrick Downes was one of three finalists for this year’s St. Francis de Sales Award
Often nicknamed “the Franny,” is considered the highest award given by the Catholic Media Association for a person’s “outstanding contributions to Catholic journalism.”
Downes has been the editor of the Herald for over 40 years and won numerous Catholic Press Awards in that time.
The other two finalists were Barb Fraze, former international editor for Catholic News Service, and Vito Formica, executive director of news content and development at DeSales Media Group in the Diocese of Brooklyn, New York.
Fraze, a Catholic press friend of the Herald and Downes for many years, won the award.
Downes’ nomination for the Franny reads as follows:
“As the Hawaii Catholic Herald’s editor for the last 40 years, Patrick Downes firmly champions the newspaper’s editorial integrity while making people feel heard.
Always professional, courteous and compassionate, Patrick is attuned to our readers and colleagues. His editorial staff often turn to him for the best way to respond diplomatically, compassionately and thoroughly while keeping the Herald’s mission in mind.
Besides his role as editor, Patrick is a top-notch writer and layout pro. Nicknamed “word man” by one of our diocesan colleagues, he is indeed a wizard with the written word having won many Catholic Press Awards over the decades. He can make a routine event come alive through rich detail and insight, write compelling in-depth stories using his many years of history and experience with the local Catholic church, and expertly turn out clever and concise headlines.
The Hawaii Catholic Herald has always been a small operation over the four decades Patrick has been editor and he uses his resources well. It’s a testament to his ‘great boss’ abilities that two of the three other staffers in our office have remained at the Herald for just as long as he has. Patrick has true concern and support for his staff and has served as an excellent mentor.
Patrick also previously served on the CNS/CPA liaison committee for several years and took that work very seriously. He enjoyed contributing to the development of CNS as a partner publication.”