The days are getting longer, and warmer and lazier. Ahhh. Nothing like a languid quiz to get your summer off to a great start!
-H.C. Harold
1) A to Z Catholic Dictionary
What does “paraclete” mean in terms of the Bible?
- a) High Priest
- b) Holy Spirit
- c) Bird of the Lord
- d) None of the above
2) Catholic Hawaii
In what year did the Maryknoll order turn over the leadership of Sacred Heart Parish to the Diocese of Honolulu? (Hint: You’ll know the answer if you read this issue’s Heralding Back.)
- a) 1950
- b) 1998
- c) 2001
- d) 2010
3) Scripture
How many years did the Jewish people spend wandering in the desert after leaving Egypt?
- a) 1
- b) 20
- c) 40
- d) 100

(Wellcome Library, London, CC via Wikimedia)
4) Catholic History
In 1992, the Vatican formally apologized for the persecution of what renowned scientist who famously posited that the Earth revolved around the Sun?
- a) Galileo Galilei
- b) Nicolaus Copernicus
- c) Giordano Bruno
- d) Girolamo Savonarola
5) Popes
Eleventh-century Pope Benedict IX is considered to be the only pope to do what?
- a) Sell the papacy
- b) Have been pope more than once
- c) Be elected at the youngest age
- d) All of the above
6) June
The Catholic Church dedicates June to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Why is June the month selected?
- a) It’s when the feast of the Sacred Heart takes place.
- b) It was in June when St. Margaret Mary Alacoque received her revelations about the Sacred Heart.
- c) All the other months were taken.
- d) a and b
7) Saints
St. Justin the Martyr (feast day: June 1) was an early Christian philosopher and apologist from where?
- a) Italy
- b) Egypt
- c) Palestine
- d) Greece
Answers: 1) b, 2) b, 3) c, 4) a, 5) d, 6) d, 7) c