The Mark and Ashley Buonomo family attended the baby shower. Their children are Kolbe (12), Elizabeth (10), Thomas (8), Fulton (6), Rose (3), Isaac and Caeli (4 months). “We named everyone after a saint whose story made an impact on us,” said Ashley, “and whom we felt would be a powerful intercessor for each child throughout their lives. Kolbe is named after St. Maximilian Kolbe, Elizabeth is after St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Thomas after St. Thomas Aquinas, Fulton after Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen, Rose after St. Rose of Lima, Isaac after St. Isaac Jogues, and Caeli after Our Blessed Mother, under her title Queen of Heaven (Regina Caeli).” (Photo courtesy of Val Streff)
By Deacon Gary and Val Streff
Special to the Herald
St. Elizabeth Parish in Aiea hosted a baby shower on May 7 for expecting and parenting mothers, 1-3 p.m. in the church auditorium. We opened with a prayer followed by a snack of sandwiches, fruit cups, cupcakes and ice cream. Each family received a lucky number allowing them to choose from an array of baby goods generously donated by parishioners, from playpens to a stroller.
We played the game “Finish the Baby Rhyme” and ended with mothers “shopping” for baby clothing and items using Monopoly money. Each family went home with diapers, baby wipes, gift cards and lots and lots of baby clothes.
Thirty-seven guests came. These were mothers with their families. Three were new mothers. Three were pregnant. Three other expectant women could not attend but were given their shower gifts before the event.
About five families came after the shower and received supplies as well for their newborn or preborn children.
Approximately 15 parish volunteers assisted.
It was truly a joy to see moms with their beautiful babies ranging from a one-month-old to a set of four-month-old fraternal twins. Expectant mothers enjoyed the festivities as well. One was expecting her baby any day now.
We are looking forward to next year’s shower being bigger and reaching a wider audience.
The baby shower is an effective way to demonstrate the U.S. bishops’ Walking with Moms in Need program.
Some mothers, especially unwed pregnant mothers, prefer not to come, but will send a representative like a grandma or friend to receive the various gifts. We are respectful of their situation and make no judgment. Once we get to know the mothers, we will slowly begin to learn their stories and continue to follow up with them, especially those in need.
We’d like to thank the TMIY (That Man Is You) organization, the Knights of Columbus, St. Elizabeth’s Good Samaritan Ministry and the Women Apostles for Catechesis for giving their time, talents and treasure to make this event truly successful.
St. Ann Church in Kaneohe was the first to hold a parish annual baby shower, Nov. 27, 2022, spearheaded by Mike Del Rosario and Sophia Catabran.
St. George Parish in Waimanalo followed suit on Feb. 23 with an event led by respect life coordinators Jeremy and Susanna Kwock.
Utu McDermott and Roxanne Torres held a baby diaper drive at St. Anthony of Padua Church in Kalihi.
Holy Trinity in Kuliouou hosted its first annual shower on May 21, 2-4 p.m., led by Debbie Kula and her team.
We are looking forward to a year full of baby showers across the islands as parishes find in the Walking with Moms program a new frontline effort honoring the family. Families are the mini church. From diapers to discipline to the ordinariness of raising children, the Gospel of Life begins in the home.
Walking with Moms in Need was initiated in Hawaii by the diocesan Respect Life Ministry on Sept. 8, 2022, the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Banners were sent to parishes with brochures identifying local community organizations that support pregnant and parenting moms.
Archbishop Joseph Naumann, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Committee on Pro-Life Activities, wanted to honor St. John Paul II’s encyclical “Evangelium Vitae” (“The Gospel of Life”) on its 25th anniversary by establishing a program that upholds the truth that every human life is sacred and inviolable.
The bishops’ parish-based pro-life ministry has gained momentum since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. We the church are opening wide the doors to serve women and families, bringing hope, recommitment and an invitation to choose life.
We are not a pregnancy center but are prepared to connect women with the best community resources available. Through the support of our bishop and pastors, we are joining the nationwide effort to spread the “Gospel of Life” through the Walking with Moms program.
St. John Paul II encouraged everyone to pray for the conversion of hearts and minds to believe in the culture of life. How we treat our loved ones and family is how we treat God, as we are all created in his image and likeness. As baptized Christians, we believe every family is a “miniature church” — a missionary cell of the broader family of the universal church.
Our mission as Christians is lived out in our living rooms, our neighborhoods, and our own communities. We are the front line of the invitation to all men and women to meet God.
It is not too late to join this movement of promoting life and the family. Please contact your parish respect life coordinators for more information or call the Respect Life Office at 808-673-3074.
And if you need baby items, from diapers to formula, please contact the Pearson Pregnancy Center at 808-942-0328.