St. Anthony student Kail Bowes reads an excerpt from the play “Damien” by Aldyth Morris. (Courtesy photo)
By Father Ese’ese “Ace” Tui
Special to the Herald
More than 200 people gathered for evening prayer and the veneration of the first-class relic of St. Damien de Veuster at St. Anthony Parish in Wailuku, Maui, on May 9 at 7 p.m. in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the saint’s arrival on Molokai on May 10, 1873. It was at St. Anthony Church that Father Damien received his Molokai assignment.
Parishioners from many parishes in the Maui/Lanai vicariate attended, even a family who drove all the way from Hana for the celebration. One Hana resident shared that she came because “Damien holds a special place in my heart because of his love for the Hawaiian people.”
Bishop Larry Silva presided over evening prayer, and Kail Bowes, a student from St. Anthony School, recited lines from the play “Damien” by Aldyth Morris in between each psalm. I gave the homily, reflecting that Kalaupapa would not have been on a list of “Places to Visit” 150 years ago. Yet, today people yearn to go to Kalaupapa to witness its beauty and peace.
One hundred and fifty years ago, when Father Damien made the journey by water between Maui and Molokai, Kalaupapa was not considered a “beautiful place” but a place of neglect, hurt and anguish. Yet in all that, the Lord called Damien to bring God’s image and beauty to Kalaupapa.

St. Anthony School students venerate the relic of St. Damien after Mass on May 10. (Courtesy photo)
After evening prayer, everyone lined up to venerate the relic of St. Damien.
The next day at 8:15 a.m., St. Anthony Church and School gathered for Mass. St. Anthony School students led the liturgy with singing, reading, cantoring and serving. More than 400 people attended the Mass, including St. Anthony parishioners, some of the parents of the students, and Catholics from around Maui.
Before Mass, Bishop Silva introduced Dale Zarrella, the Maui artist, who unveiled his new statue of St. Damien to the amazement and applause of those assembled. Bishop blessed the statue and the sculptor explained his inspiration and love for the saint. Bishop Silva celebrated Mass with some of the vicariate priests concelebrating.
At the end of such a beautiful celebration, everyone lined up to witness and venerate the relic of St. Damien. Most of the St. Anthony School students were just amazed to see a relic but also gathered as a class for friends to pray for Damien’s intercession.
The new Damien statue now has a home in the chapel at St. Anthony Church.
Father Ese’ese “Ace” Tui is a parochial vicar at St. Anthony Parish in Wailuku, Maui.