Christian Raquepo delivers his parting address to legion members, May 12. (Photo courtesy of Stephen Guzman)
When I applied to be enrolled as a student at our Damien Memorial School, I remember keenly putting down the Legion of Mary as one of my organizations of interest. At that time, I was a catechumen preparing to receive the Easter Sacraments of Initiation. It was only after the slow and safe return to campus after the pandemic lockdown that I came to understand the Legion of Mary for what it was and embrace it — something that has transformed me during my four years of being a Latin Catholic and a high school student.
The Blessed Mother has played an instrumental role in my conversion. Realizing the truths of Mary, Our Mother, that were in front of me from my Catholic school education, radically changed who I was. My confirmation and patron saint, St. Padre Pio, had a great devotion to Our Blessed Mother, and I likewise followed his example. Moreover, finding the Legion of Mary reaffirmed I was doing the will of God in my life.
The Legion of Mary opened a door for a leadership opportunity in my school ohana and community of faith. When our theology department chair, Mr. Makana Aiona, recommended re-establishing the Legion of Mary at Damien Memorial (after a 10-year hiatus), giving God my “yes” to this endeavor carried a greater significance.
One thing I learned from this experience of being a junior legionary is that we are a community of leaders in the faith.
The second thing I learned is this: Since becoming a Legionary of Mary, I have had my fair share of joys and sorrows. I have faced challenges and met my cross many times. But as a Legionary of Mary, I always have to remember who it is that I have given my life to: Mother Mary.
It was months after I became a probationary member of the Legion that I faced a big hurdle. A spiritual counselor of mine sent me the Surrender Novena. It goes like this: “O Jesus, I surrender myself to You, take care of everything!” I later learned that Padre Pio was associated with the Surrender Devotion, and ever since it has become a defining devotion in my life.
When we totally and wholeheartedly give our “yes” without any fear or reservation, great things will manifest for us.
Since the 2021 feast of St. Monica, Aug. 29, the Legion of Mary has served our school ohana and community of faith through our prayers, daily adoration, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, praise and worship, and creating prayer cards; Rosaries, Mother’s Day bracelets and cards.
Since our foundation day, we have grown to 23 registered members and nine faculty advisors — the entire theology department and other faculty.
We have celebrated our community with many events, like hikes and beach outings, awards ceremonies, and going to the 50th State Fair.
And we have broken ground in our Mother Mary Grotto Restoration Project. A proposal was submitted to our administration. The Damien Alumni Association has been contacted. A budget is pending.
Today we celebrate another school year in the glorious victory of Our Risen Lord and Our Blessed Mother!
And today we pass the torch and hand over this junior praesidium to the next class of junior legionaries of Mary.
May God who has begun the good work in us, bring it to fulfillment!
These remarks, delivered May 12, were edited for space considerations. Legion of Mary president-emeritus Christian Raquepo, of Damien Memorial’s Class of 2023, will pursue computer science studies in the fall at Chaminade University of Honolulu.