Thomas Duddy and family at the finish line
Our son, Thomas, recently ran a marathon. He was still getting over a bad cold when he ran it but was determined to give it a try. Half-way through the race he felt spent. His inclination was to stop at that point. However, his pregnant wife and four young children met him along the trail and cheered him on. He decided to persevere, and by pushing hard, he was able to finish the race.
Thomas told me that the marathon reflected how his life has been this past year — tiring and hard to push through. He has a lot happening in his life, including going to school while still working, and adding an addition onto their house.
Sometimes family life can be exhausting, especially when you have young children. It can seem like a marathon. Some describe it as a roller coaster, with many ups and downs, or “turbulent” as in a blustery Hawaiian day. There are certainly days we are tempted to quit the race.
And yet, for those willing to persevere in love, children are a blessing from the Lord.
“I am thinking of a young family who leaves behind a quiet life to open themselves up to the unpredictable and beautiful adventure of motherhood and fatherhood,” said Pope Francis.
Fortunately, Thomas and his wife Jeanette are very blessed to live in an intentional Christian community along with several other young families, older folks and single men and women. They live in a poor neighborhood in Allendale, Louisiana, and the community runs a small Christian school there for children in the area, called Praise Academy at Lakeside (praiselakeside.org).
Because they live in a low-income area, many of the mothers in Allendale can stay at home with their children, which is unusual in modern society, thus promoting friendships with each other and play among neighborhood children.
We all need other Christians to share life with, especially in raising and sustaining family life. Extended family, Catholic parishes, communities and ministries — they all work together to make full family life in Christ possible.
It used to be that American society supported basic Christian values, but now we can’t count on that. Christian life today is not easy. It requires giving our lives fully to Jesus, and having supportive relationships is helpful.
The race of life is more like a marathon than a sprint. Let’s make it easier by running together. Let’s cheer each other on in the journey of family life. Running the race is a lot more doable and fun when we do it together.
“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Heb 12:1-2)