Mary Magdalene is depicted with the resurrected Christ in this icon at the Haifa Melkite Cathedral in Israel. Easter, the chief feast in the liturgical calendars of all Christian churches, commemorates Christ’s resurrection from the dead. Easter is celebrated April 9 this year. (OSV News artwork/Haifa Melkite Cathedral, Bridgeman Images)
Hidden in plain sight. That is an apt description of the risen Jesus’ presence among us. The first to see him after he rose from the dead, Mary Magdalene, thought he was the gardener — until he called her by her name (John 20:11-18). The two disciples who already knew him well walked seven miles with him in broad daylight from Jerusalem to Emmaus without recognizing him — until their eyes were opened at the breaking of the bread (Luke 24:13-35). The seven disciples fishing on the Sea of Galilee, including two of his closest friends, Peter and John, thought it was a stranger asking them if they caught anything, until John pointed him out (John 21:1-14). Saul truly believed the disciples of Jesus stole his body and hid it so that they could more easily back the ridiculous claim that he had risen from the dead, and he was zealous about stomping out that “lie” as thoroughly as he could — until he was blinded by the light of the risen Christ himself (Acts 9:1-19).
As we come together with our brothers and sisters throughout the world and throughout the centuries to celebrate the saving death and resurrection of Jesus — the greatest event in the history of the world — Jesus continues to hide himself in plain sight.
He hides himself in bread and wine, so that only those who believe will be able to see him as truly present with us to nourish and guide us (Matthew 26:26-29). He hides himself in the poor and the needy, challenging us always to care for him as we care for these sisters and brothers (Matthew 25:31-46). He is hidden in those rag-tag people who compose the Church, because he considers us true members of his Body, his living presence in the world (1 Corinthians 12:27-31).
And so we are challenged to walk by faith, not by sight, but to believe with all our hearts that Jesus is risen, is alive, and is active today among us (2 Corinthians 5:7). If he were not truly risen, would the Church he founded have survived all these centuries of scandal and division, of darkness and death? Yet here he is, risen indeed!
“Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed,” as the risen Jesus said to doubting Thomas (John 20:29). May you be among the blessed, and may the risen Lord excite you so deeply with his presence that you dedicate your whole life to sharing his Good News with your family, your friends, with skeptics and with seekers, with all people everywhere! May his Easter blessings bring you joy here and now and unimaginable joy in the life to come! Happy Easter!