Members of a Hawaiian royal society attend the Red Mass. (Photos courtesy of Dann Ebina)
By Patrick Downes
Hawaii Catholic Herald
“Hope that leads to justice,” was the theme of the Red Mass Jan. 17 at the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace.
Bishop Larry Silva celebrated the annual liturgy invoking the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit upon Hawaii’s civic leaders.
The guest speaker was president and chief executive officer of Catholic Charities Hawaii Robert Van Tassell.
“We are not here to engage in wishful thinking, in fantasies that may or may not come true,” the bishop said in his homily, but “something much more profound than wishing — hope.”
“The symbol of hope is the anchor,” he said, and “while it deals with a yet-unaccomplished future, it is anchored firmly on something that keeps it from floating away in fantasy.”
“We are gathered here at this Red Mass precisely because we believe that anchor is Jesus Christ himself,” he said.
“If we have only our own ideas or ideologies, we are likely to fly off into whimsical fantasies,” the bishop said. “But if we are anchored in the law of God, who made us, knows us, and loves us, then there is great reason for hope.”

Robert Van Tassell (Photos courtesy of Dann Ebina)
In a nod to the work of Catholic Charities Hawaii,” Bishop Silva said, “It is our deepest hope that everyone in our community will live in dignity and not be robbed of that dignity by debilitating poverty.
“It is our hope that migrants and refugees be welcomed, even as our own ancestors were welcomed when they were migrants and refugees,” he said.
“It is our hope that people who deal with depression, domestic violence, or sex trafficking will be liberated,” he said.
Catholic Charities Hawaii “has accomplished so much already in bringing hope into people’s lives, a hope anchored in our faith in Jesus Christ.”
Van Tassell continued on that theme in his address after Communion.
“That is what our staff does every day, hundreds of times a day,” he said. “They turn desperation into hope, a hope that transforms and charity that ultimately leads to justice.”
“There are times when hope and charity are not enough. We must work for justice. We must bring down institutional barriers and systems that hinder progress and can shatter hope,” Van Tassell said.
He quoted Pope Benedict XVI: “Charity cannot take the place of justice that has been denied.”
“Present with us today are leaders with the authority and power to create opportunities, fund budgets and enact legislation that create pathways of hope leading to justice,” he continued.
Van Tassell traced the 75 year history of Catholic Charities as an agency that answered the needs of the times, from the social problems of post-World War II and the inequities of plantation life to today’s evils of homelessness, domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, and the rejection of migrants and refugees.
About 20 public officials filled the front pews of the historic church including two state senators, several state representatives, trustees of the Office for Hawaiian Affairs, members of the Honolulu City Council and heads of government departments.
Also present was Ernie Lau, Manager and Chief Engineer of the Honolulu Board of Water Supply.
State Senator Brandon Elefante read the first reading. Honolulu Chief of Police Arthur “Joe” Logan read the second.
A dozen priests concelebrated. Ten ecumenical guests representing various Christian denominations attended. Hawaiian royal societies were represented with men wearing yellow and red capes and women dressed in black. General lay turnout was light.
The Mass began with Ikaika Mali‘ikapu Bantolina chanting a prayer in Hawaiian. The pipe organ then intoned the Hawaii state anthem “Hawaii Ponoi.”
The music, led by Calvin Liu and Robert Mondoy, was a combination of contemporary hymns and the Hawaiian mele-infused compositions of Mondoy.
At the end of Mass, Bishop Silva, the priests and other religious leaders extended their hands over the public leaders for a final blessing recited by the bishop.
A special collection was taken up for Catholic Charities Hawaii.
The Red Mass has been celebrated in Hawaii since 1955 during the week of the opening of the State Legislature.
The tradition was introduced to the United States from Europe about 100 years ago and has become an annual event in Washington, D.C., and other cities. It is named after the color of vestments used for Masses of the Holy Spirit.