Mass procession at the national Catholic Youth Conference in Long Beach, California. (Photo courtesy of Lisa Gomes)
We heard from youth from Hawaii and their leaders who attended the National Catholic Youth Conference in Long Beach, California, Nov. 9-13. Local delegates included 28 youth, seven young adults, four priests, one bishop, two seminarians and 15 adults. Here are some of their reflections on the event, collected by Lisa Gomes, director of the diocesan Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry.
Edited by Anna Weaver
Hawaii Catholic Herald
As a young adult participant, I saw that the church is alive in these young people. The future is within me and the youth in our church today. We just need to give young people the opportunity to be part of the parish community.
—Christian Natividad, young adult, Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Wahiawa, Oahu
I met other teens from Texas, California, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Florida. The theme of “Walking on Water” didn’t make sense initially, but during those three days, I was able to understand the theme — so that I can overcome the storm and prevent my boat from sinking.
—Ahron Natividad, youth, Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Wahiawa, Oahu
Before NCYC, my relationship with God wasn’t that strong. I turned away from him when times got tough and felt unworthy of his love. But this weekend reminded me that HE died for me and for all of us and we are all worthy of his love. One thing that stood out was that I should have compassion for myself because God has given me a purpose because I am worthy.
—Marissa Lung, youth, Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Wahiawa, Oahu
During this pilgrimage, what spoke to me the most was the breakout sessions that I attended. One of them was about our spiritual lenses and was built around the idea of trying to see ourselves as God sees us. God gave us each our own talents and our own identity. We are not supposed to be like anyone else, we are simply supposed to be us.
—Kelli Lung, youth, Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Wahiawa, Oahu
Being together and meeting people from all over the country was a great experience. It made me realize how large Catholicism is. I appreciated our youth being able to have this experience — to be able to learn more about our faith and to network with other youth. I am truly blessed to have experienced this.
—Aaliyah Dacuycuy, young adult, Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Wahiawa, Oahu
These three days of worship and prayer gave me so many emotions. Being around so many youth the same age as me gave me a feeling I can’t describe. I learned so many things, but the one that will stay with me forever is that we’re all in the same boat. If you’re dealing with mental, physical or spiritual issues, you’re not alone.
—Sierra Barit, youth, Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Wahiawa, Oahu
NCYC was the best experience ever. I never knew I could connect to God in such different ways. It was so much fun. I was able to connect to God through music, breakout sessions, Mass, and so many other things. It was amazing meeting people from all over the place. I grew closer to God and this faith family. NCYC was life-changing and the best experience of my life. The theme reminded me to stay focused on God so we don’t drown.
—Sunny-lyn Saddler, youth, Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Wahiawa, Oahu
I loved everything that we did. The one part that I loved especially was during adoration. It made me emotional seeing everyone praying and thanking God.
—Kimberly Barit, youth, Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Wahiawa, Oahu
I am impressed by the big gathering of young people in Long Beach. It’s true that the young church is alive and hungry. We are inspired to work more zealously and spiritually to keep them in our minds and hearts as we pastor the parish community. They can make our elders proud through their energetic lively presence and faithful life in the church and society.
—Father Santhosh Thottankara, pastor, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Pearl City, Oahu
NCYC has been such a great experience, and it’s helped my faith and my view on the world grow. Adoration was really powerful and inspiring. Going on my knees before God while praising him was an amazing experience. I listened to a few speakers talking about helping the less fortunate, and that really made me look at the world differently.
—Ella Wenceslao, Youth, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Pearl City, Oahu
NCYC not only helped me with my faith, but it also helped me make memories with my friends and new friends that I met. It was the best “first” experience I have had. I enjoyed it more than I could imagine. Besides sharing this experience with friends, I really enjoyed attending daily Mass and the singing, and especially Adoration. The way these were presented made me feel alive and able to open up to God even more.
— Mariah Lujan, Youth, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Pearl City, Oahu
I honestly did not expect NCYC to be that much fun. My initial expectation was that it would be mellow and heavily informational. While the latter was true, it was far from mellow. The praise and worship were amazing and captivating. The way the homilies’ lessons called us out to the reality of faith was inspiring. Not to forget the individual sessions, which helped each person learn according to their personal interests. What stuck out to me the most was the lesson about being the person who you were made to be. Sounds cheesy, but it was presented in such a manner that made it feel like it was a whole new lesson and concept. This conference brought life and inspiration to mundane Catholic topics and called us to do what we can with what we have.
— Alexia Eleccion, Youth, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Pearl City, Oahu
I headed into NCYC excited, joyful, and with a sense of gratitude. A girl who also felt an overwhelming feeling of nervousness, timid, shy, and craving for some sort of reassurance being that baptism is the only Sacrament I have received thus far (I am currently preparing to receive Confirmation and First Holy Communion). This trip has given me so much reflection and change; not just on myself but also my relationship with God. I created memories and learned so much about myself and the group I was with. Coming back to Hawaii is like a new chapter in my life, and I have noticed change within myself and how I act around others.
— Nevaeh Villanueva, youth, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Pearl City, Oahu
I thoroughly enjoyed the NCYC Pilgrimage. It was heartfelt to see thousands of youth so on fire with God’s love. The adoration was so intense, powerful and beautiful. I felt God’s presence in my being that I couldn’t hold back my tears.
—Paulina Saddler, grandparent, Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Wahiawa, Oahu
We learned what it meant to be resilient after hardships and to remember God’s promise to always be there with us. Through song, comedy, reflection, prayer and unity we accomplished this sense of awakening. Never before had I felt so a part of something that’s bigger than me, and that’s amazing. Everywhere I went I was surrounded by teens that felt the same way. I really enjoyed watching the sisters dancing in their habits to Catholic Hip Hop music. We attended Mass, Adoration, and confession also.
—Mahina Atenza (youth) and Marcelino Atenza (young adult), siblings, St. Theresa Parish, Kihei, Maui
There were so many “God-kisses” moments on our NCYC pilgrimage. The Lord touched all of our hearts — young and not-so-young — and changed our lives. The power of the Holy Spirit permeated the entire trip. We believe the young church today has been empowered to make a difference in the world.
—Tanya and Lee Barbero, chaperones, St. Anthony Parish, Wailuku, Maui
Being able to see students my age who were eager to rush into Mass is a sight I will not forget. I honestly thought this trip would’ve had low participation, but it blew my mind that so many Christians and Catholics were under one roof singing and worshipping Jesus Christ. I participated in a High Mass that impacted me in ways that are unexplainable. In the end, I got to meet so many amazing people, both from our Hawaii delegation and other states.
—Aaron Guerrero, St. Anthony School, Wailuku, Maui
Christ is found through the Eucharist, and we encounter Christ in the Mass. The ambiance of lighting and persistent voices of Catholic youth throughout the nation during the celebration provided one of the most moving experiences during our retreat. Communion was a time to receive our Lord through the Blessed Sacrament and strengthen our unity with Christ and his Mother Church. I will forever look at the Blessed Sacrament as I saw it during NCYC — as Christ himself.
—Rob Ryane Gonzales, St. Anthony School, Wailuku, Maui
To me, the most memorable part of this trip would be the prayer and worship. When we came together and prayed to heal the youth and chaperones, that prayer felt so powerful. It was as if we were coming together as one. Even though we didn’t know each other, we prayed to heal one another. I found this part so beautiful. Just being in that spiritual state, knowing God was right beside me, felt so powerful.
—Ke’olani Avila, St. Anthony School, Wailuku, Maui
It was just great fun and a blessing from the beginning to the end. What I will never forget is hearing the confessions of the youth at the event. The first day there, I sat for a straight 3.5 hours of confessions! The second day of confessions was a total of 4 hours! Such an amazing experience of getting to share God’s love and mercy with not just the young people, but with chaperones who came to confession. This experience increased my faith, love and prayer for the young Church, which is yearning and seeking role models, love, care and God in their life.
—Father Ace Tui, St. Anthony Parish, Wailuku, Maui
The rallies and the breakout sessions gave me greater insight as to the challenges our young people face in this modern time. I brought back with me new knowledge to share and attempt to excite the young people in our parish. Great memories and good times!
—Jarma Hudson, coordinator of Youth Ministry, St. Roch Parish, Kahuku, Oahu, who attended with her pastor
Also, more info on 2023 is on the website catholichawaii.org/OYYAM/YM/NCYC.