Four lit candles are set in a wreath for Advent. One candle is lit each Sunday leading up to Christmas. The fourth Sunday of Advent is Dec. 18. (CNS photo/Nancy Wiechec)
Many parents ask us questions, and we share faith-based parenting advice, based on Love and Logic and the Preventive System of St. John Bosco (Reason, Religion, Loving Kindness). We’d like to share some of these with you.
It seems like there is so much to prepare during December: school plays, parties, presents, presents, and did I say, presents?! Right, and I’m supposed to prepare my heart for the birth of Jesus. What exactly does that mean? I am preparing my kids to be in a Christmas play. I am preparing to host family and friends for a meal. I am searching for the perfect Christmas presents. I am preparing my home to look festive for the holidays. But how exactly am I supposed to prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas?
You probably know more than you think about how to prepare for Christ’s coming. Start by asking that question to God. “God, how can I prepare my home and heart for the birth of Your Son?” That’s right. First, start off with prayer. It can be formal prayer (like the rosary) or it can be informal and spontaneous prayer where you are literally talking and listening to God as you would with someone you know.
Now what else do I need to do?
How about finding a deeper meaning for what you are doing?
- The color red: Jesus loves us so much he was even willing to die on the cross for us.
- The color green: Christmas tree, wreaths: God’s love never dies.
- Christmas lights: Jesus is the light of the world. (John 8:12)
- Meaningful ornaments: Talk story, thank God for people and events in your life.
- Baking and cooking: Be nourished also by the Word of God in the Bible and by receiving the Eucharist.
- Presents: First BE PRESENT to this person (whether near or far, reach out to them, be present and listen to them, thank them for something special they have said or done).
- Christmas clothing: Clothe ourselves “as God’s chosen ones, (with) heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another … and over all these put on love.” (Colossians 3: 12-14)
- Gift wrapping: Slow yourself to be surrounded by the loving embrace of Jesus and Mary. If we’re too busy to pray individually and as a family, then we are too busy.
- Christmas cards and photos: Snapshots of the blessings God has given us this year.
Sure, Advent is half-over, but that also means that there is still additional time remaining to prepare our hearts and homes to celebrate his birth. Don’t lament the Advent resolutions that you forgot about. Make choices today, here and now, about how you and your family will help prepare for Christ’s birth … in history and in our hearts.
This way when you wish others “Mele Kalikimaka,” you’re remembering to keep CHRIST in CHRISTmas. Stand in HIS PRESENCE when you share your Christmas presents! Remember, you are on Holy Ground, as Jesus walks among us still today.
Here is some feedback from a stepmom in response to the Q&A from “Change is Coming — Whether We Are Ready or Not!”:
“Nothing had prepared me for the challenges and joys that would come with a blended family. Sometimes I find myself frustrated because I feel like boundaries are constantly being tested. After reading this article, I am looking at this from a different perspective. This behavior is not a personal confrontation, but it’s her way of learning, growing and cultivating some independent life skills. Maybe if I am less defensive and more supportive of her growth journey, things will be better for everyone. I guess it’s true that change will come whether we’re ready or not! I want to pray and be more welcoming of change as signs that God is at work.”
Questions? Please email Sarah and David at Success@EmbraceFamilyLearning.com. We would be honored to lift you up in prayer and respond