Robert Mondoy performs Chopin Sept. 25 at St. John Vianney Church. (Photo courtesy of Esther Tokars)
By Esther Tokars
Special to the Herald
There’s a universality that happens when music strikes a chord within a human heart and soul. You hear a note, and your heart can swell. You hear a melody, and your eyes can tear. You hear the keys of the piano being played, and hope, joy and calm fill your soul. And that is what Robert Mondoy did. He filled our hearts with joy. Hands clapping and shouts of “Bravo” were heard after each performance of Chopin’s compositions.
Mahalo, Maestro Mondoy!
(Robert M. Mondoy, music minister of St. John Vianney Church, Kailua, performed a Chopin piano recital, Sept. 25 at St. John Vianney Church.)