Interviewed by Sister Malia Dominica Wong, OP
Hawaii Catholic Herald
Of all the Stations of the Cross I created in the St. Andrew Kim Taegon Oratory near the Honolulu airport, it is the fifth one, Simon helps Jesus carry the cross, that evoked a more personal connection with me. This is the way of love.
I am a religious of the Congregation of Divine Providence located in Allison Park, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. While many of the sisters in the Pittsburgh area are active in the ministries of teaching, campus ministry, health and pastoral care and social concerned work, I work as the sacristan for the provincial motherhouse chapel. This includes decorating the chapel according to the liturgical seasons and in celebration of congregational special events.

Fifth station
Another work entrusted to me includes the creation of the outdoor Stations of the Cross to line the pathways of the provincial motherhouse gardens. One might ask, “How did all of my work with the Stations of the Cross begin, in Honolulu and now in Pittsburgh?” Honolulu was commissioned by the priest who took care of the Korean Catholic Community at St. Pius X Church before he returned to Korea. Pittsburgh was asked of me by my provincial government upon seeing the work I did in Honolulu.
Each Station of the Cross I designed is the fruit of deep contemplation expressed through art. Each one is based on Scripture. The life God gave us from the very beginning to the end of Jesus’ journey on earth is the way of the cross, the way of love.
In each depiction, I wanted to put the heart of Jesus in it. My focus was not on the soldiers. When I pray, I focus on Jesus. I cannot see his heart, but when I see his eyes, I can see his heart. So, as I meditated on each station, I focused on Jesus’ eyes. As Jesus is man and God, He speaks through his eyes. For each station, I asked “What does this station mean to me?” I have never talked to Jesus so much. Thus, I have not signed my artwork. It is his.
In the fifth station, where Simon helps Jesus carry the cross, I imagine that Simon must be with Jesus now. Simon did not know that someone would single him out of the crowd and force him to help carry the cross. When I saw Jesus and Simon exchange glances as Simon’s hand took hold of the cross, I really talked to Simon. Who was he? How must he have been feeling? How was Jesus feeling about this poor stranger pushed into helping carry the cross? Jesus, in his limited physical strength, must have felt sorrow for Simon. Seeing the eyes of Jesus, Simon must have felt the Lord’s heart.
I know God is going to show me the way through Simon. Whether or not anyone thinks about Simon, Jesus does. He sees. If I could carry someone else’s cross- even a little bit, Jesus will give me a lot. Simon had a special, blessed mission.
Do you know someone you would recommend to share his or her story of faith? Email Sister Malia Dominica Wong, OP, at