It’s August and my brain is here, there and everywhere. So is this quiz. Enjoy!
1) A to Z Catholic Dictionary
What word refers to Catholic cardinals as a group?
- a) Flock
- b) College
- c) Congregation
- d) Team
2) Local history
There used to be a parish in Honolulu’s Kakaako district. What was it called?
- a) St. Agatha
- b) St. Agnes
- c) St. Anthony
- d) St. Louis
3) Summertime
During the summer, past popes would retreat to a villa in a small town south of Rome. Not Pope Francis. What is the name of that town?
- a) Castel Gandolfo
- b) Villa de Acornamilo
- c) Caritas Samaritatis
- d) Mansiones Minuscule
4) Acronyms
What does EWTN stand for?
- a) Eternal Word Television Network
- b) Episcopal Women Theology News
- c) East West Turned North
- d) Ecumenical World Truth Novena
5) Trivia
Who of these was not one of the first doctors of the church?
- a) St. Ambrose
- b) St. Jerome
- c) St. Bede the Venerable
- d) St. Augustine
6) More Trivia
Speaking of doctors of the church, in what year was a woman first named a doctor of the church?
- a) 1890
- b) 1931
- c) 1959
- d) 1970
7) Popes
Which of these is not one of the encyclicals released by Pope Francis?
- a) Fratelli tutti
- b) Laudato si’
- c) Caritas in veritate
- d) Lumen fidei
Answers: 1) b, 2) b, 3) a, 4) a, 5) c, 6) d, 7) c