The leak of the draft of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health has stirred up a lot of upheaval for suggesting that the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion will be overturned. Whatever the outcome, it will divide our nation for years to come. Many will continue to defend the sanctity of life, while others will work harder to reinforce the “right” to an abortion.
If Roe v. Wade ruling is overturned, abortion policies will fall into the hands of legislators, not the courts.
On the federal level is one piece of legislation pro-life advocates need to keep a close eye on — the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA). If passed it would protect the “right” to abortion across the country, free of restrictions such as waiting periods, counseling, mandatory ultrasound and post-viability bans. It will override every state pro-life law. Unrestricted abortion up to birth would be the law of the land. As pro-life supporters it is our duty to see that this does not happen.
If Roe v. Wade is overturned, as many as 26 states will ban abortion to some degree or entirely. Other states have enacted “trigger laws” ensuring abortion will remain legal whatever the Supreme Court decides. Currently, abortion remains legal in Hawaii.
In 2019, Alabama passed a law making abortion and attempted abortion a felony. This year, Texas passed the “Heartbeat Act,” prohibiting abortions when there is a detectable heartbeat, as early as six weeks into pregnancy. On May 25, the governor of Oklahoma signed one of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the nation, banning abortions in his state. Of the four abortion clinics in Oklahoma, two had already stopped services and two stopped right after the bill was signed.
If Roe v. Wade is reversed, it will end one era and begin a new one. It will require all of us to increase our efforts in welcoming all women in crisis with love and support.
We can connect them to pregnancy centers that provide resources to help mothers welcome their babies into the world. Contact the Pearson Place Pregnancy Resource Center, Susan Duffy or Mary Smart at 808-942-0328 or for more information. Women need to know there are options other than abortion.
Many parishes provide outreach programs for the hungry, the homeless, those in prison, and immigrants and refugees. The U.S. bishops recently initiated a program called, “Walking with Moms in Need,” which shows parishioners how to walk in the shoes of pregnant and parenting moms, pointing them to resources available to all moms and families. In Hawaii, we are already doing much of the work needed; however, there is always more that can be done.
Kat Talalas, assistant director for pro-life communications for the U.S. bishops says, “If I was alone, pregnant, without money or friends, what would I need? Where do I go? Walking with Moms invites parishes to enter into the hearts of the most vulnerable and see through their eyes.”
St. John Paul II’s 1995 encyclical, “Evangelium Vitae” (“The Gospel of Life”) tells us that to deliberately kill or assist in killing another human being violates the Ten Commandments and is against the natural moral order. This applies to euthanasia, the death penalty as well as abortion.
It falls on voters to elect pro-life officials. This November, make it your civic duty to pick leaders who perpetuate the dignity of the human person. The church teaches us to care for the less fortunate and defenseless; the unborn, the sick, the elderly and the marginalized.
Contact your local government officials when initiatives are not in accordance with Catholic social teaching. Support those who promote life-giving initiatives. Contact your legislators. We can make a difference and influence the outcome of proposed legislation. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, pray for the conversion of hearts to build a culture of life and the common good.
Contact Respect Life Office at (808) 673-3074 or or for more information on how you can help or if you are in need of help.