Face masks are still required at Mass of celebrants and congregation alike. (HCH file photo)
This is the text of the memorandum from the Office of Worship updating coronavirus pandemic protocols in church
To: Clergy, parishes and Catholic faithful
From: Rev. Alfred Omar Guerrero, Director
Date: Nov. 10, 2021
Subject: Updated liturgical directives for the new liturgical year during the time of pandemic
The following are the updated liturgical directives and reminders that impact all Catholic churches, chapels, oratories, centers, and missions in the Diocese of Honolulu during the time of pandemic effective the First Sunday of Advent, Nov. 28, 2021.
Singing at Mass
Singing by both a choir and congregation is now allowed. Masks must be worn as a mitigation effort. Other mitigation measures (e.g., increased physical distancing and improved ventilation) should be considered and implemented.
Hymnals and other printed materials
All hymnals and missalettes may be returned to the pews and used. Pastors may choose to continue printing worship aids and/or project music texts while following copyright/licensing guidelines. Printed bulletins and other materials may be handed out.
Collection baskets
Collection baskets should not be passed from person to person, but people may place their offering in a basket in front of the altar or in a locked box as they enter the church. As an alternative, ushers may use collection baskets with handles or may pass through the aisles while holding the baskets.
Reminders from previous diocesan directives and/or protocols:
Face coverings (masks or mask/face shields) will be worn at ALL times by all who participate at the Mass during the liturgical celebration. For those ministers with respiratory issues, the use of a face shield instead of a face mask is highly recommended.
The priests, deacons and anyone assisting in the distribution of Communion will sanitize their hands just before and just after distribution of Communion. If they feel their hands are contaminated during Communion, they may pause and sanitize their hands before resuming.
Priests may administer the Anointing of the Sick and Viaticum, especially in situations where there is the danger of death. Priests, deacons and other duly commissioned extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion may take Communion to the homebound, always exercising proper hygiene procedures and wearing masks.
Parishes may celebrate communal penance services and/or reinstate specified hours of reconciliation. Please observe good spacing between the penitent and priest, while at the same time observing absolute privacy for the penitent. Confessions by phone or via the internet are not permitted. Private confession is an essential element for ongoing conversion and growth in holiness. General absolution is not permitted and can only be imparted under grave circumstances.
Funerals in churches are allowed with the body of the deceased present if the mortuary is permitted to transport the body. The funeral Mass or funeral liturgy outside of Mass may be at full capacity with 6-foot social distancing and the indoor mask mandate enforced.
Churches may remain open during the day for private prayer at the discretion of the pastor and observing whatever guidelines he may establish.
As an act of charity, anyone who is sick or who is particularly vulnerable to infection should not attend Mass at this time.
We encourage parish priests to continue live-streaming their liturgies to their parishioners via social media platforms and to communicate to them the times of these services and log-in information for their parish’s Facebook and/or website. Daily and Sunday Mass are currently being livestreamed from various parishes in our diocese. For a comprehensive and updated list please visit our website at www.catholichawaii.org.
All prior memos, directives and protocols are still in effect unless changed in this memo.
For any additional questions or concerns contact the Office of Worship.
Approved by Bishop Larry Silva-Nov. 10, 2021