Bishop Larry Silva expresses thanks for the response to Ohana in Christ appeal. (Video screenshot)
By Patrick Downes
Hawaii Catholic Herald
Two months into Ohana in Christ, the Diocese of Honolulu’s newest annual appeal, Bishop Larry Silva has made a “mahalo” video to thank island Catholics for their generous response to the campaign.
“You support our ministries to the sick, to the poor, you support our national collections, you respond when there are national disasters, help retired priests live in dignity and help fund the seminarians in their education,” the bishop said in the two-minute recording distributed to parishes this month.
“I want to thank you for all those things,” he said.
In a nod to the current Year of St. Joseph, the bishop said, “I know you will continue to be generous in giving of your time, your talent, your treasure so that you can be those good witnesses to Jesus; so that you, like St. Joseph, can care for the Body of Christ and take care of the Ohana in Christ.”
The Ohana in Christ campaign, which replaces the long-running Bishop’s Circle appeal, was introduced in all Hawaii churches Oct. 2-3.
Parishioners coming to Mass that weekend received a “commitment card,” a prayer card and an envelope to mail the completed card back to the campaign address. The card also had a space to write a prayer intention.
The new campaign, which runs through June 2022, asks each parish to play an active part by raising awareness of the wider church mission and services and to help raise the funds to sustain them.
The appeal will support priests’ needs, seminarians, deacon formation, youth and young adult ministry, and service to the poor through social ministries.
Each parish is being assigned a target goal of 25% of its current annual assessment — the amount it gives yearly to the diocese to help cover diocesan operations. That would bring the total goal at a little more than $1.2 million if every parish met its target, said Mark Clark, director of the Office for Stewardship and Development, which is running the campaign.
In an update sent to Bishop Silva Nov. 17, Clark reported donations to date exceeding $400,000, not counting another $50,000 collected at the parish level, amounting to 40 percent of the appeal’s overall goal.
Clark reported 1,400 donors, double the average Bishop’s Circle appeal, with the average gift at $321.
Large gifts include several at $5,000 and two at $10,000.
Seven parishes have already met or exceeded their goals: Blessed Sacrament, Honolulu; Our Lady of Good Counsel, Pearl City; Sacred Heart, Naalehu; Sacred Heart, Pahoa; Sacred Heart, Honolulu; St. Benedict, Honaunau; and St. Rita, Nanakuli.
At least another 10 parishes have raised 50% or more of their goals.