Interviewed by Sister Malia Dominica Wong, OP
Hawaii Catholic Herald
One of my favorite songs, and the favorite song of my students as well is “You Raise Me Up” sung by Josh Groban. It is such an encouraging and uplifting, faith-filled song. From Hawaii to San Francisco where I have been teaching for a number of years now, the lyrics are ever so relevant. God raises us up through all circumstances in life, to become more than we can be.
Everything I learned as I started my ministry as an educator, I learned in Hawaii. I was at St. John the Baptist School in Kalihi for two years and at St. Joseph School in Makawao for seven years. In Hawaii, I learned a lot from adjusting to the different cultures represented there. This I did by listening to people and observing how they are. Sometimes reading books is good but learning in actual time is better. From knowing my strengths and weaknesses, adjustments and teaching became easier.
In my religion class, for example, we follow a certain weekly pattern of activities. On Mondays, we have circle time where the students can openly talk about where they are right now, in this present moment. I also ask them what they did over the weekend, and whether there are any trials they may be encountering or expect to encounter this week. I also ask the students, “Who remembered the Gospel from yesterday? Did you pick anything up?” instead of having said, “Go to Mass.”
The first time I asked that question, there were only a few students who responded. But as everyone wants to share, I have seen the numbers go up as they started to attend Mass. When I ask, “What church did you go to?” someone might respond, “I went to St. Patrick’s.” And as I continue questioning, “Who was the priest there?” more respond, often adding, “The priest said this and that.” Now, everyone attends Mass. They don’t want to be left out from the sharing.
Tuesdays are reserved for journaling. We begin with a prayer and a reflective question that relates to their lives. On Wednesdays, I lead the students in a meditation. I guide them into the quiet space by saying, “Empty your mind, focus yourself. Imagine Jesus looking at you right now. What do you want to say to Him?” This is a simple five- to seven-minute exercise. Then I play a song like, “You Raise Me Up” for them to further meditate upon.
Classes on Thursday are centered around the Word of God. I take a reading from the Bible for children. It is a good, simple edition to understand. I read the selected passage a couple of times slowly. The third time, I read it clearly in a soft voice with expression. Then I ask the students, “What word or words struck your mind? What words touched your heart? What could you really relate to?” For example, they might respond “I was touched with the word ‘sacrifice.’” “Why?” I ask? “Give me two or three words.” The student might say, “When I see the cross, I remember the sacrifices Jesus did for me.” Very simple, but meaningful.
Fridays are our dance days. I go to YouTube and find a Christian song with actions. We dance together, becoming more than we thought we could be.
Sister Merced Gumban this year marks her 40th year as a Dominican Sister of the Most Holy Rosary of the Philippines. She is fourth in a family of 10 children. She is a teacher at Holy Angels School in Colma, California.