Franciscan Father Daniel Horan
The speaker for the 2021 Marianist Lecture is Franciscan Father Daniel Horan, author and lecturer who specializes on the work and thought of Thomas Merton.
This year’s talk will be delivered online only at 4 p.m., Sept. 21. The topic is “The spirituality of justice: racism and climate change, a Catholic response.”
Father Horan will explore the role people of faith have in the face of climate change and racism and how a spirituality of justice can address these issues.
The late Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk, was an influential mid-20th century author and poet who engaged in the religious and social questions of his day.
Father Horan is the director of the Center for Spirituality and a professor of philosophy, religious studies and theology at Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana.
He is a columnist for the National Catholic Reporter and author of 13 books, including “Catholicity and Emerging Personhood: A Contemporary Theological Anthropology,” which received the 2020 first place award for theology book from the Association of Catholic Publishers.
His most recent book is “A White Catholic’s Guide to Racism and Privilege.”
Father Horan is also co-host of The Francis Effect podcast.
The mission of the Marianist Lecture (formerly the Mackey Marianist Lecture) is to foster dialogue on Catholic thought and Catholic responsibility. It is marking its 25th anniversary.
This year’s lecture will also introduce the Mackey Award for Catholic Thought, which will be given to the presenter in honor of Marianist Father Robert Mackey, the first president of Chaminade University.
The award honors scholarly, community and faith leaders whose work advances the spirit and educational mission of the Marianist family.
The Marianist Lecture series is sponsored by Chaminade University of Honolulu, the Marianist Center of Hawaii and Saint Louis School
To register go to cuhministry.com/marianist-lecture.