Six years ago Pope Francis wrote the encyclical “Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home” in which he called on the faithful to foster care and concern for our planet. Our Holy Father picked Sept. 1-Oct. 4 (The feast of St. Francis) as the “Season of Creation,” a month to be extra mindful of “respecting the planet’s resources.” He reminds us to pray that we all will make courageous choices for a simple and environmentally sustainable lifestyle, rejoicing in those young people who are resolutely committed to this.
Scientific evidence points to climate change as the main cause of ocean warming, rising sea levels and increasingly severe storms. Sea-level rise has already prompted the migration of people from some Pacific islands and low-lying coastal areas. This phenomenon should heighten our awareness and desire to work to turn the tide of this environmental crisis.
“The poor and the earth are crying out. O Lord, seize us with your power and light, help us to protect all life, to prepare for a better future, for the coming of your Kingdom of justice, peace, love and beauty. Praise be to you! Amen.” (Pope Francis, “Laudato Si’”)
We are called to do seven things to live “Laudato Si’” and this month is the perfect time for you, your ohana, parish or school to develop a plan.
- Respond to the cry of the earth: Ways to do this include installing energy-saving elements like solar panels and appliances; protecting biodiversity by planting native trees, gardens and practicing regenerative agriculture; and protecting waterways.
- Respond to the cry of the poor: Promote education that helps people respect the value of life from conception to death. Promote the leadership of indigenous leaders. Share resources and honor the experiences to elders.
- Educate yourself and others about ecological economics: Ensure financial investments are ethical and sustainable by divesting from fossil fuels, investing in socially responsible enterprises, and choosing ethical banking and insurance companies.
- Adopt sustainable lifestyles: Improve sustainability in buildings, transportation, food waste, recycling and reducing the purchase of new consumer goods.
- Foster ecological awareness: Develop educational opportunities that enlighten others about the tenets of living “Laudato Si’.”
- Develop an ecological spirituality: Design ways to celebrate the Season of Creation, reflect on the themes of “Laudato Si’” and pray in nature as a community.
- Community engagement and participatory action: Advocate for social and ecological causes, explore your local ecosystem and participate in conversations online or in person around living “Laudato Si’.”
There is a website that has been established to help you develop a “Laudato Si’” action plan, sign a pledge and share resources to educate others about environmental matters: laudatosiactionplatform.org. Go also to seasonofcreation.org/catholic for all kinds of ideas.
Here is a beautiful prayer from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to share and pray every day:
Father of all, creator and ruler of the universe, you entrusted your world to us as a gift. Help us to care for it and all people, that we may live in right relationship — with you, with ourselves, with one another, and with creation.
Christ our Lord, both divine and human, you lived among us and died for our sins. Help us to imitate your love for the human family by recognizing that we are all connected — to our brothers and sisters around the world, to those in poverty impacted by environmental devastation, and to future generations.
Holy Spirit, giver of wisdom and love, you breathe life in us and guide us. Help us to live according to your vision, stirring to action the hearts of all — individuals and families, communities of faith, and civil and political leaders.
Triune God, help us to hear the cry of those in poverty, and the cry of the earth, so that we may together care for our common home.
Sherry Hayes-Peirce is a church social media consultant based in California.