A same-sex couple is pictured in a file photo exchanging rings during a ceremony in Salt Lake City. In a new documentary, Pope Francis expressed openness to the idea of laws recognizing civil unions, including for gay couples, to protect their rights. (CNS photo/Jim Urquhar, Reuters)
In light of Pope Francis’ recent comments in a documentary about civil unions for those in same-sex relationships, the Diocese of Honolulu’s Bishop Larry Silva issued a statement on the topic.
Bishop Silva remarked that many were surprised at the pope’s comments, as was he, but that “I have learned over the years, that often quotes are taken out of context and can take on a different meaning than the intended meaning
of the speaker.”
“Pope Francis is correct in saying that ‘They’re children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable because of it,'” Bishop Silva added in the Oct. 21 statement. “We all need family support, and a person who has homosexual inclinations should not be ostracized from a family simply for that inclination, nor should their human dignity be diminished because of it.”
The bishop said that he disagreed to some extent with Pope Francis’ comments on recognizing a civil union because “it can often be confused with marriage.”
“The Church teaches that same-sex marriage is unacceptable, because marriage always implies a sexual union,” Bishop Silva said. “Pope Francis has continually voiced his opposition to same-sex marriage, so nothing has changed there.”
“Although I do not agree fully with Pope Francis on what he has supposedly stated about civil unions (and I am free to disagree, since this remark was by no means an infallible teaching), I do admit civil unions could be a different category than marriage. If two homosexually inclined people are living chastely but want to share a household for mutual emotional, spiritual and economic support, there is nothing wrong with that.”
You can read Bishop Silva’s full statement here.