Robert Mondoy leads the music during the Chrism Mass on April 2, 2020, at the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace in Honolulu. Singing and playing woodwind instruments is no longer allowed at religious services on Oahu between Aug. 19 at midnight and Sept. 16, 2020, due to a surge in COVID-19 cases on the island. (HCH file photo)
With a surge of coronavirus cases on Oahu in August, Hawaii Governor David Ige approved Oahu Mayor Kirk Caldwell’s increased restrictions on social gatherings. These go into effect as of midnight Aug. 19 and last 28 days.
While church and other religious services can continue to take place, singing is now prohibited as is the playing of wind instruments other than organs.
Instrumental piano and organ music can still be used during the entrance gathering, communion rite and recessional, the Diocese of Honolulu’s Office of Worship director Deacon Modesto Cordero clarified in an Aug. 19 statement about the changes.
Lectors or priests should say the Entrance and Communion Antiphons and either say or leave out the “Alleluia.” Other Mass parts are also to be recited.
Masks should be worn at all times during Masses and services by clergy, lay ministers and attendees. If breathing issues are a problem, face shields should be worn instead.
The new Oahu order limits social gatherings to five or fewer people, which includes any church ministry and community or staff meeting at a church facility, Deacon Modesto wrote. It doesn’t include Mass attendance, however.
All other guidelines remain in place.
Diocese human resources director Dara Perreira also emailed parish and diocesan staff reminding them to work from home when possible per the new Oahu guidelines. Workplace gathering places like communal kitchens and break rooms were to be closed except to access food and other items.
“The Catholic Church as an employer and as a member of the community should observe the order and do as much as possible to contribute to safe and healthy workplaces and homes,” Perreira wrote.