Photo courtesy of Easter Almuena Deacon Pat and Cora Constantino lead the sorrrowful mystery, “Agony in the Garden” in St. Joseph Church in Makawao, Maui.
By Easter Almuena
Special to the Herald
In this day and age, we continue to perfect the use of technology. Sometimes accessing its use is not enough when necessary parts go missing. This is what happened with malfunctions we experienced during the livestreaming of the Sorrowful Mysteries in our diocese Friday, June 19.
Prior to the event, equipment belonging to operator John Fielding was taken from a certain location, disabling Hawaii’s part in the livestream of the global rosary relay, a worldwide recitation of the rosary sponsored by Worldpriest. Nevertheless, the rosary, said in four churches in Hawaii, was completed.
Deacons and their wives and our newly ordained transitional deacon led different mysteries: Deacon Pat and Cora Constantino in St. Joseph Church in Makawao, Maui (Agony in the Garden); Deacon Tom and Evie Adams in Sacred Heart Church in Hawi (Scourging at the Pillar); Deacon David and Gloria Watson in St. Joseph Church in Hilo (Crowning with Thorns); and Deacon Ace Tui in the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace (The Carrying of the Cross); and Deacon Joe and Easter Almuena (Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord) also in the cathedral.
The plan was to simultaneously use livestream and Zoom, focusing on one location to the next.
The Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace completed the recitation of the Sorrowful Mysteries. About 20 parishioners joined in, seated six feet apart in observance of social distancing. We were glad to have Deacon Modesto Cordero director of the Office of Worship; Denise Oliveira, secretary to Bishop Larry Silva; and Darlene Cachola, daughter of Deacon Tom and Cora Constantino, join us.
Our thanks to Fielding for all his technical services and all those who spiritually joined us!
When technology doesn’t work we return to the basics. In fact, this experience brings us to a better place where we can be gathered spiritually with the same goal of praying for our priests — every Thursday. Worldpriest has created an offshoot of the Global Rosary Relay called Rosary Thursday, where people from all over the world pray weekly the Luminous Mysteries for our priests; or, for those who pray the rosary as a daily regimen, to consciously offer it up for the same intention.
In our diocese, we pray first and foremost for Bishop Larry Silva, our priests, and all priests around the globe — for their sanctification, to be good shepherds, and in thanksgiving for their priestly vocation.
Easter Almuena is the Worldpriest repesentative for Hawaii.