Hey there HCH friends,
Here’s a science joke for you. Why are atoms Catholic? Because they have mass. Now take my massively entertaining quiz! Please.
1) Current events

Retired Pope Benedict XVI smiles at Germany’s Munich Airport before his departure to Rome June 22, 2020. Pope Benedict, who is 93, traveled to Germany to see his ailing older brother, Msgr. Georg Ratzinger, who is 96. (CNS photo/Sven Hoppe, pool via Reuters)
Pope Benedict XVI, 93, recently went to visit his ailing 96-year-old brother Msgr. Georg Ratzinger, in Germany. The monsignor spent much of his priesthood doing what?
- a) Acting as his brother’s personal secretary
- b) Directing a famed boys choir
- c) Living a cloistered life
- d) Serving in various chancery roles for his diocese
2) Catholic schools
Two Oahu Catholic schools, St. John the Baptist, Kalihi, and Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Ewa Beach, recently announced they’ll close due to finances worsened by COVID-19. A third school, St. Joseph, Hilo, will remain open another year due to fundraising. About how many U.S. Catholic schools does the National Catholic Educational Association estimate will close this year?
- a) 50-60
- b) 70-90
- c) 100-150
- d) 175-190
3) Catholic schools
Of the schools mentioned above, which has been open the longest?
- a) St. Joseph School, Hilo
- b) St. John the Baptist, Kalihi
- c) Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Ewa Beach
- d) They all opened the same year.
4) More current events
The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled that the Trump administration could not do away with DACA, bringing much rejoicing among so-called Dreamers and their supporters, including the U.S. bishops. What is DACA?
- a) Legislation that prohibits racial discrimination in the workplace
- b) A bill that would allow undocumented immigrants to become immediate citizens
- c) Funding for arts and culture in U.S. public schools
- d) U.S. policy that allows undocumented immigrants brought as children to the U.S. by their family to receive a renewable 2-year deferred deportation and work permit eligibility.
5) Catholic Hawaii
Deacon Ese’ese “Ace” Tui was ordained a deacon on June 13. Although he has been in Hawaii since 2006, he is originally from where?
- a) Samoa
- b) American Samoa
- c) Chuuk
- d) Tonga
6) Scripture
Of the four Gospel writers, which one is thought to have been a physician?
- a) Matthew
- b) Mark
- c) Luke
- d) John
7) More Scripture
The first reading from Sunday, June 28, talks about the prophet Elisha doing what for a woman?
- a) Promising her she will have a son
- b) Curing her of leprosy
- c) Destroying her enemies
- d) Making her a meal
Answers: 1) b, 2) c, 3) a, 4) d, 5) b, 6) c, 7) a