Humble, cheerful priest of 51 years remembered for his pastoral ways
By Patrick Downes
Hawaii Catholic Herald
Sacred Hearts Father Thomas Young Bok Choo, a lifelong Hawaii parish priest, died June 18 at age 78 in a care home in Kalihi. His last priestly assignment was as a parochial vicar at St. Patrick Church in Kaimuki, the parish where he had received every sacrament except marriage. He belonged to the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary for 57 years and was a priest for 51 years.
“He will be remembered for his boundless energy and the special attention he gave to the pastoral work that was entrusted to him,” said Father Herman Gomes, provincial superior of his congregation, who had visited Father Choo two days before he died of complications from Parkinson’s disease.
Sacred Hearts Father Santhosh Thottankara, who followed Father Choo as a parochial vicar at St. Patrick Church, visited him often in the care home.
When Father Thottankara told the elder priest he would be assigned to St. Patrick, “he was very happy and expressed confidence I would love the people there,” he said.
“He told me to be simple and humble and compassionate to people,” said Father Thottankara, now pastor of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish in Pearl City. “He told me not to think I know everything but to do what I know for the Lord, and God will use me for his glory.”
“He was always a joyful person with a smile on his face and very appreciative of my visits,” he said. “He was not ashamed or uncomfortable about his Parkinson’s disease. I felt he trusted God and believed God loved him. I was blessed to see him and pray for him.”

Father Choo gets a hug from Bishop Larry Silva after receiving his 50th ordination anniversary recognition in 2019 during the diocesan jubilarian Mass. (HCH File Photo)
Father Choo, reflecting on his own approach to prayer in a Hawaii Catholic Herald article in 2016, said that an “Aghhh” of disappointment or the “Ahhhh” of relief may be among the most honest prayers one can address to God.
“When we surrender, we throw ourselves, so to speak, into God’s hands. As we sigh, we say, ‘Thank you, Lord,’ and take a good rest, ‘Amen.’”
“This is the best prayer we can probably offer. It is sincere and real at the moment,” he said. “Just knowing one is in the presence of God should be satisfaction enough. Because God knows what is going on and sees to it that nothing is going to harm us.”
Father Choo was born to Richard and Rose Choo in Honolulu on Feb. 19, 1942. He was baptized at St. Patrick Church on Dec. 21, 1955. He attended St. Patrick School and St. Louis High School, graduating in 1960.
After high school, he entered the novitiate of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, first professing temporary vows on Aug. 22, 1963, in Fairhaven, Massachusetts.
He continued his education at Queen of Peace Mission Seminary in Jaffrey, New Hampshire. Bishop John J. Scanlan ordained him a priest at St. Patrick Church on June 13, 1969, with Father Albert Garcia and Father George Fellez.
Father Choo served as associate pastor at St. Ann, Kaneohe, St. Patrick, Kaimuki, and St. Augustine, Waikiki. He was pastor of St. Joseph, Makawao, Maui, and of St. Augustine, Waikiki, where he coordinated the 150th-anniversary celebration of the church’s founding.
His last assignment was as associate pastor at St. Patrick Church.
Funeral arrangements are pending.