Catholic Charities Hawaii’s transportation services for seniors makes a Beretania Safeway stop. (Photo couresy of Catholic Charities Hawaii)
Catholic Charities Hawaii continues to serve vulnerable individuals and families during the COVID-19 health crisis. We know that the community is counting on us to be there for them in their time of need.
While our nation takes measures to avoid further spread of the disease, we are carrying out our 40-plus programs and services with adjustments and additional services to assist those facing the social and economic effects of COVID-19.
Our once-bustling campus in Makiki is a little quieter these days, but behind the scenes, we are busier than ever. “This is more urgent than other disasters because there is so much about it that is still unknown,” said Rob Van Tassell, Catholic Charities president and chief executive officer.
“Just about every day we make new adjustments to our programming and operations,” he said. “As a nonprofit organization we are just like any other business, we need to pay our bills, have payroll and carry out our work. Social service agencies are considered essential, so we soldier ahead.”
Necessary adjustments have been made to the way we operate to keep our clients, staff and volunteers safe through health precautions and social distancing.
We have close to 300 dedicated staff members who we keep regularly updated on best practices for our work, which keep evolving as we receive information from State, City and federal entities. Some of our programs are working remotely, using web-based communications and phone contact. Community-based programs are vigilant in maintaining safety guidelines.
As Hawaii’s unemployment rate hovers close to 40%, too many households are struggling to make ends meet. Catholic Charities Housing Assistance and Referral Programs received funding from the Aloha United Way’s COVID Rental and Utility Assistance to provide rental and utility payments for households who have experienced significant wage loss. Additional resources provide households with much-needed food supplies as they weather this crisis.
Anxiety levels are high for many during these uncertain times. Our professional counseling center therapists are meeting with folks via Telehealth for consultations and sessions. They are available to individuals, families, youth and couples to address their mental health needs. Best of all, most insurances are accepted.
To help seniors, the highest risk group, our new Phone-a-Friend program is offering friendly check-in calls to isolated elderly with the help of volunteers. Catholic Charities’ Transportation Services for Seniors has partnered with Malama Meals delivering more than 3,000 meals to kupuna.
Catholic Charities’ Lanakila Multi-Purpose Senior Center volunteers are making hundreds of cloth masks for staff, clients and other nonprofits, as well as yarn lei for the Veterans Center for Memorial Day.
Catholic Charities’ General Immigration Services staff are reaching their clients remotely to provide information and outreach, which includes providing Cares Act information to immigrant farmers on Hawaii Island.
Programs for foster youth, foster families, case management for family strengthening, and support for at-risk families continue to provide services and outreach. We have shifted some of our therapy and crisis support to Telehealth and virtual visits via the web or phone to keep everyone safe and healthy.
We know the need for our services at this time is crucial. With so much uncertainty, small things make a difference. Masks, a simple meal or a phone call go a long way.
To help us continue to serve the most vulnerable in the community, make a donation at catholicchartieshawaii.org/donate. We are grateful for your support and partnership to carry out the social mission of the church. Together we are stronger!
Sign-up for updates on Catholic Charities Hawaii services and resources at catholiccharitieshawaii.org.
Mary Leong Saunders is Catholic Charities Hawaii vice president-philanthropy.
Catholic Charities Hawaii COVID-19 contact numbers
Rental/utility assistance on Kauai: 241-4673
Rental/utility assistance on Oahu: 521-4357
Rental/utility assistance on Maui: 873-4673
Counseling Center services: 520-7721
Phone-a-Friend for Seniors: 527-4777