Ese’ese “Ace” Tui, a seminarian of the Diocese of Honolulu, stands during the Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders, Feb. 27, in the main chapel of St. Patrick’s Seminary and University. (Photo courtesy of St. Patrick’s Seminary)
The ordination of seminarian Ese’ese Tui to the transitional diaconate continues to be scheduled for 6 p.m., May 15, Bishop Larry Silva announced April 7, but the venue has changed from the Co-Cathedral of St Theresa to Tui’s home parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Ewa Beach.
Normally, local ordinations are scheduled for the closing day of the annual May convocation of priests to make it convenient for Neighbor Island clergy to attend. However, the convocation is canceled this year.
Depending on the coronavirus situation, the ordination may be done in private with a handful of necessary ministers present and livestreamed to everyone else. A lifting of restrictions may allow more people to attend, depending on the situation, but that won’t be known until perhaps a month from now.
Consult the diocesan website, catholichawaii.org, or the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish website, olphewabeach.org, for up-to-date information.