The March 22 Mass from the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace seen streaming on a home TV. (HCH Photo)
In light of Bishop Larry Silva’s decision to cancel all public Masses, the diocesan office for Religious Education developed suggestions of how to make Masses livestreamed over the internet a genuinely interactive and prayerful experience.
The resource, created by diocesan religious education director Jayne Ragasa Mondoy, includes ways for the faithful to prepare for the Sunday readings, Mass texts, and the spiritual Communion prayer to be prayed during the Communion rite.
“It also is a way to strengthen the domestic church during these challenging times,” she said.
Go to catholichawaii.org/covid19livestreammasses for a list of parishes holding live-stream Masses.
Creating a Sacred Home Environment for the Live-Stream Viewing of Mass
By Jayne Ragasa Mondoy
Diocesan Religious Education director
In the days prior to Sunday Mass
- Read the Sunday readings from the Holy Bible at usccb.org/bible/readings
- If preferred, listen to the proclamation of the readings at usccb.org/bible/readings-audio.cfm
- Parents of young children: help your child prepare for the Mass readings by watching/discussing the child-friendly video at youtube.com/channel/UCJ-wlL3_x_XbF–5a9rW3sg
- Consider setting up your online viewing area to allow for standing, sitting, kneeling.
- Set up a simple sacred space near your online viewing area to include a crucifix and Holy Bible. Additional touches would include a candle and purple cloth (the liturgical color for Lent) to adorn your sacred space.
- If needed, provide sufficient copies of the Mass text for Lent
Before Mass
- Dress as you would for Mass — your Sunday best! Gather reverently at your viewing area and sacred space a few minutes early.
During the live-stream
- Participate in the Mass, following the Mass text.
- During the Communion rite — when we would receive the Precious Body and Blood of Christ — recite the Spiritual Communion prayer.
After Mass
- Share ways that you will live the Gospel in the days ahead. Share the Good News with others through social media.